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Construction and Reconditioning of Pipelines (курсова робота)

Major: Welding technologies and equipment
Code of Subject: 7.131.05.E.25
Credits: 2
Department: Welding Manufacture, Diagnostics and Restoration of Metal Structures
Lecturer: Dzubyk A.R.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know and be able to carry out the organization of welding and assembly work in the construction of pipeline facilities;
• be able to select the required welding materials and calculate the mode settings to perform repair welding;
• be able to perform the necessary pipeline Strength calculation according to the parameters of operation;
• use existing computerized software tools for the design of pipelines.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Construction and maintenance of pipelines
- Designing technological processes of welding production
- Fracture mechanics of steel structures
- Computer technology in welding production
Summary of the subject:
Independent creative work being done in extracurricular time on the instructions and under the methodical guidance of a teacher, but without his direct involvement. The acquisition of practical knowledge and skills required to implement the pipeline strength calculation according to the conditions and implementation of welding and assembly work in the construction or repair of pipelines on modern scientific and technical level. In the course work preferred design welding or repairing real or pipeline systems on demand storage base enterprise of a potential customer, employer and others.
Recommended Books:
1. A. Dzyubyk, I. Nazar, R .V.Palash. Improving the efficiency of welding of main pipelines during their operation and repair. –Lviv: 2013. - 258p.
2. Electronic educational manual "Construction and repairs of trunk pipeline" for students of specialties 8(7).05050401 "Technology and equipment of welding", 8(7).05050403 "Restoration and improvement of wear resistance of parts and constructions" / Compilers: A. R. Dzyubyk, the registry. room No. 41-177-12/2014 of 29.10.2014
3. Fundamentals of fracture mechanics welders: proc. ]. V. R. Skalsky, V. V. Bozhydarnik, I. Dolinskaya. – 2014. – 356 p.
4. Educational complex "fusion welding, part 2" in the ANS national University "Lviv Polytechnic": http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=8628 / Comp. A. R. Dzyubyk 2015 registry. room No. 41-177-15/2015 from 02.03.2015 .
5. Educational complex "fusion welding, part 1" VNS "Lviv Polytechnic": http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=8627 / Comp. A.. Dzyubyk 2014 – registry. room No. 41-147-14/2014 dated 25.09.2014 .
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control, rapid control, protection course work before the commission (100%).