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CAD of Mechanical Treatment Technological Processes
Major: Wheeled and caterpillar vehicles
Code of Subject: 7.133.01.O.8
Credits: 3
Department: Designing and Operation of Machines
Lecturer: associate Professor Maystruk Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• know the modern CAPP and computer application programs for automated development of programs machining parts.
• be able to create technological processes of mechanical processing of various types of processing of products; to apply and application software; to properly execute the accompanying technical documentation that ensure the optimum technical and economic indicators generated by machines and equipment and their elements.
• be able to create technological processes of mechanical processing of various types of processing of products; to apply and application software; to properly execute the accompanying technical documentation that ensure the optimum technical and economic indicators generated by machines and equipment and their elements.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Machine parts
• Technology of metals and construction materials
• Interchangeability Standardization and Technical Measurements
• Fundamentals of CAD
• Mechanical engineering
• Technology of metals and construction materials
• Interchangeability Standardization and Technical Measurements
• Fundamentals of CAD
• Mechanical engineering
Summary of the subject:
Basic understanding of CAPP processes. Specifics of methodology of the engineering design process. Classification of CAPP systems. Modeling of structure of technological process. The types ensure CAPP system. The design of the route. The design of the operation. Design transitions. Modern CAPP TP. Directions of perfection of the CAPP system.CAPP design of technological processes Vertical.
Recommended Books:
1. Петраков Ю.В. Автоматичне управління процесами обробки матеріалів різанням: Навчальний посібник. – Київ: УкрНДІАТ, 2004.- 383 с.
2. Б О Пальчевський. Технологічні основи гнучкого автоматизованого виробництва. Львів, „Світ”. 1994.
3. Волчкевич Л.И., Кузнецов М.М., Усов Б.А. Автоматы и автоматические линии Часть 1 и 2., Высшая школа, 1976.
4. Бежанов Б.Н., Бушунов В.Т. Производственные машины-автоматы. – Л. Машиностроение, 1973.
2. Б О Пальчевський. Технологічні основи гнучкого автоматизованого виробництва. Львів, „Світ”. 1994.
3. Волчкевич Л.И., Кузнецов М.М., Усов Б.А. Автоматы и автоматические линии Часть 1 и 2., Высшая школа, 1976.
4. Бежанов Б.Н., Бушунов В.Т. Производственные машины-автоматы. – Л. Машиностроение, 1973.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on practical work, oral questioning, examination (30%)
• final test (70 %, inspections, and exam): written-oral form (70%)
• final test (70 %, inspections, and exam): written-oral form (70%)