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Technical Support of Real Estate Appraisal Activities
Major: Land management and cadastre
Code of Subject: 7.193.03.E.31
Credits: 4
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Ph.D Кhavar Yuliia
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. basic knowledge of regulations and reference materials applicable standards and specifications, instructions and other legal and administrative documents in professional activities;
2. the ability to apply professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills for solving typical problems specialties and choice of means for their implementation;
3. the collection, storage, storage, processing, modeling and analysis of cadastral and land information;
4. knowledge of the legal, methodological basis of state cadastre and land management, evaluation of land resources and real estate;
5. the organization and management of land and cadastral production work on assessing land resources and real estate;
6. integrate the knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve professional problems using known methods;
7. evaluate the results and arguments to defend decisions;
8. perform mathematical and statistical processing of scientific and applied activities;
9. the ability to independently prepare and defend a master's work based on their own research.
2. the ability to apply professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills for solving typical problems specialties and choice of means for their implementation;
3. the collection, storage, storage, processing, modeling and analysis of cadastral and land information;
4. knowledge of the legal, methodological basis of state cadastre and land management, evaluation of land resources and real estate;
5. the organization and management of land and cadastral production work on assessing land resources and real estate;
6. integrate the knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve professional problems using known methods;
7. evaluate the results and arguments to defend decisions;
8. perform mathematical and statistical processing of scientific and applied activities;
9. the ability to independently prepare and defend a master's work based on their own research.
Required prior and related subjects:
Basics of valuation,
Technical and regulatory support valuation of land and immovable property
Inventory territories
New technologies in the cadastre and land management
Basics of valuation,
Technical and regulatory support valuation of land and immovable property
Inventory territories
New technologies in the cadastre and land management
Summary of the subject:
Regulatory support evaluation activities. Base evaluation and their properties. InfoBase monetary value. Regulatory monetary valuation of land. Regulatory monetary valuation of agricultural land. Regulatory monetary valuation of land settlements. Normative monetary evaluation non-agricultural land. Expert monetary valuation. Methodological approaches to expert money estimation. The methodical approach to comparing the sales price of such land. The methodical approach capitalization of net operating income. The methodical approach taking into account the cost of land improvement (cost approach). The general procedure for expert money estimation of land. Estimation of property rights.
Recommended Books:
1. Perovych L.M. Otsinka nerukhomosti: navch.posibnyk / L.M.Perovych, Yu.P.Hubar. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2010. – 296 s.
2. Metodychni osnovy hroshovoi otsinky zemel v Ukraini: [navch.-metod. posibnyk] / Yu.F. Dekhtiarenko, M.H. Lykhohrud, Yu.M. Mantsevych, Yu.M. Palekha. – K.: Profi, 2007. – 624 s.
3. Normatyvna ta ekspertna hroshova otsinka zemli: normatyvno-pravovi akty, komentar i roziasnennia / [uporiad.: M.S. Holovatiuk ta in.]. – K.: Vyd. Palyvoda A.V., 2007. – 332 s.
2. Metodychni osnovy hroshovoi otsinky zemel v Ukraini: [navch.-metod. posibnyk] / Yu.F. Dekhtiarenko, M.H. Lykhohrud, Yu.M. Mantsevych, Yu.M. Palekha. – K.: Profi, 2007. – 624 s.
3. Normatyvna ta ekspertna hroshova otsinka zemli: normatyvno-pravovi akty, komentar i roziasnennia / [uporiad.: M.S. Holovatiuk ta in.]. – K.: Vyd. Palyvoda A.V., 2007. – 332 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, test papers (30%);
• final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%).
• final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%).