Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Land Arrangement
Major: Geoinformational systems and technologies
Code of Subject: 7.193.05.M.20
Credits: 5
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Ph.D. Kotyk Z
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
1. The mastery of basic knowledge, including modern scientific and technical achievements.
2 the Development of modern methods of economic calculations and intensive use of main and circulating assets of production.
3. Work and learning high level of autonomy, planning, organization and management of integrated actions or projects, responsibility for making decisions.
4. Knowledge and understanding of the major theories, methods, principles, technologies and methodologies in the field of geodesy and land management.
5. Preparation of technical reports and their formation to existing requirements.
6. The implementation of the management and administration of the State land cadastre, information interaction of the State land cadastre with other information systems.
7. The choice of methods, tools and equipment in geodesy and land management, state land cadastre, assessment of land and immovable property , and land administration.
2 the Development of modern methods of economic calculations and intensive use of main and circulating assets of production.
3. Work and learning high level of autonomy, planning, organization and management of integrated actions or projects, responsibility for making decisions.
4. Knowledge and understanding of the major theories, methods, principles, technologies and methodologies in the field of geodesy and land management.
5. Preparation of technical reports and their formation to existing requirements.
6. The implementation of the management and administration of the State land cadastre, information interaction of the State land cadastre with other information systems.
7. The choice of methods, tools and equipment in geodesy and land management, state land cadastre, assessment of land and immovable property , and land administration.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous :
Land management
Land management
Summary of the subject:
The content of the training module. Legal aspects regulating the principles of planning and organization of the territories. Features and differences of the programs of use and protection of lands. Methods of optimization of structure of land in the preparation of land use schemes.
Recommended Books:
1. Земельний кодекс України, 2001.
2. Закон України «Про землеустрій».
3. Закон України «про Державний земельний кадастр».
2. Закон України «Про землеустрій».
3. Закон України «про Державний земельний кадастр».
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral questioning, examination (30%);
• final test (70%, control event, offset): written-oral form (70%).
• final test (70%, control event, offset): written-oral form (70%).