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Foreign Language for Specific Purposes, part 1

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.9
Credits: 4
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Associate prof. Baibakova I.M., teacher Brukhal Ya. B.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes. Upon completion of the module the student is expected to perform such results: the ability to communicate in a foreign language in the familiar academic and general professional environment in order to:
• to make and present logically structured oral presentations of professional content, using appropriate linguistic means of communication;
• to be able to arrange logically and coherently information, related to typical educational and profession-related topics for a further oral presentation, using appropriate linguistic means of communication;
• to have command of a sufficient number of appropriate words and terms, necessary for presenting information on a chosen subject related to the future profession and the ability to use them correctly during an oral presentation;
• to be able to use appropriate signal linguistic means during an oral presentation;
• to explain information, presented in graphic form, during an oral presentation, using appropriate linguistic means;
• to answer the audience’s questions concerning the content and form of the presentation of information, to react appropriately to awkward questions, to organise a discussion on the subject of presentation using appropriate linguistic means;
• to select appropriate information, consulting educational and professional web-sites;
• to show the understanding of the aim, structure, general and detail content of the learning and working documentation;
• to draft the learning and working documentation (a CV, a motivation letter) with an appropriate level of grammatical accuracy and a sufficient vocabulary range; checking, proof-reading and correcting it;
• to show a working understanding of the existing rules and standard procedures during an academic and professional interview;
• to behave efficiently during an interview: to answer the interviewers’ questions with accuracy, appropriateness and a sufficient vocabulary range; to ask questions related to the situation; to use appropriately verbal (vocabulary and grammar) and non-verbal (intonation, pauses, gestures, dress-code, make-up, etc.) means of communication.
Required prior and related subjects:
Pre-requisites: - Level of knowledge A2-В1
Summary of the subject:
Presentation of information. (Structuring of the material for an oral presentation. Preparing an introduction and practising it. Organising the main part of presentation and practising it. Explaining information presented in graphic form. Preparing conclusions and practising them. Learning rules of oral presentation. Answering the audience’s questions and organising a discussion. Making an individual full-length presentation. Employment. Writing a motivation letter for an academic course for a students’ exchange program. Writing a CV. Writing a motivation letter. Attending an interview.
Recommended Books:
Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Ділова англійська мова. –Ч. : ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2009, -288с.
Кострицька С.І., Зуєнок І.І., Швець О.Д, Поперечна Н.В.. Англійська мова для навчання і роботи: підручник для студ. вищ. навч. закл.: у 4 т. Т. 1. Спілкування в соціальному, академічному та професійному середовищах = English for Study and Work: Coursebook in 4 books. Book 1 Socialising in Academic and Professional Environment / С.І. Кострицька, І.І. Зуєнок, О.Д. Швець, Н.В. Поперечна; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. гірн. ун-т. – Дніпропетровськ : НГУ, 2015. – 162 с.
Хистова П. М. Англійська мова менеджменту у туризмі та готельному господарстві: Навчальний посібник.- К.: Київ. держ. торг. – екон. ун-т.- 1999.-239с.
Azar, B.S (999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education – 437p.
Comfort, J. (1996) Effective Telephoning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 126 p.
Ellis, M. and Nina O’Driscoll (1992) Socialising. Longmann. – 129 p.
Evans, V. (2005) Round Up 6. English Grammar Book. Longman.
Getting on in English (Upper Intermediate). За ред. І.Байбакової, О.Гасько, М.Федоришина, Львів – 2009.
Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press.
Petter Strutt. English for International Tourism. Intermediate Workbook. Pearson Education Limited 2005.
Quick Placement Test (2001) Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 26 p.
Nail Wood. Tourism and Catering. Workshop. Oxford University Press 2003.
1. Kommunikatives Deutsch. Redaktionelle Leitung: Dr. V. Sadoroshnyj, Dr. Th. Seifert, Dr. F. Spitzner, M. Vesna. Lviv, 1998.
2. Весна М. Українсько-німецький розмовник. Растр-7, Львів – 2010.
3. Sprich richtig aus- Практичні завдання з розвитку фонетичних навичок з німецької мови для студентів І-ІІ курсів усіх спеціальностей, Львів 2004.
4. Lernziel Deutsch- Deutsch als Fremdsprache- Max Hueber Verlag- 1998
5. Becker, Braunert, Eisfeld. Dialog Beruf I. Max Hueber- Verlag, 1997.
6. Stalb H. Deutsch fur Studenten. Verlag fur Deutsch, 1995.
7. Dictionaries.

1. Попова И.Н., Козакова Ж.О. Французька мова- 21-ше вид., виправлене. Х,: ТОВ « Нестор Академік Паблішерз», 2008.- 576 с.
2. Даутель К. Французька граматика коротко і легко . К.: Методика,2011. – 192с
3. Дучин С. English+Le francais.- Суми: ИТД « Университетская книга», 2006.-508с.
4. Boulares M., Grand-Clement O. Conjugaison progressive du francais. CLE Internatonal, 2000-223p.
5. Gregoire M, Thievenaz O. Grammaire progressive du francais. CLE International, 2002-255p.
6. Miquel C. Vocabulaire progressif du francais. CLE International, 2001-192p.
7. Dictionaries.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control: listening, monologue and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Control test.
• Final control: exam.

The distribution of points in 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Total for the
Classroom work
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Doing exercises from a textbook. 5
Doing lexical and grammatical tests in Virtual Educational Environment (VEE) 5
Extracurricular reading. Ведення читацького щоденника. 5
Glossary of educational and special professional vocabulary. 5
Monologue speech. 5
Dialogic speech. 5
Exam 55
Written Test 40
Presentation 15