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Labour Law

Major: Vocational education (Accounting and Taxation)
Code of Subject: 6.015.23.M.48
Credits: 3
Department: Civil Law and Procedure
Lecturer: N. Zabolotna, L. Ostapenko, N. Pavliv-Samoil
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know: the procedure for the emergence, change and termination of labor relations; legal principles of the establishment and regulation of working time, its separate types and regimes; the procedure for granting of holidays provided by labor legislation; peculiarities of legal regulation of wages of hired workers; grounds, conditions and procedure for bringing employees to disciplinary and material responsibility; current labor legislation on labor protection at enterprises, institutions, organizations; Fundamentals of regulation of social and partnership relations.
To be able: to use the normative legal acts and special literature competently; determine the scope of labor legislation; characterize the legal status of subjects of labor relations; to allocate legal facts necessary for occurrence, change and termination of labor relations; to determine the grounds and procedure for bringing employees to disciplinary and material responsibility; analyze you to solve the disputed issues that arise in practice (in the field of employment of hired labor based on labor contracts) when applying the norms of labor legislation.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theory of state and law;
Constitutional law;
Civil law, part 1.
Summary of the subject:
Objective: To give students a solid knowledge of labor law of Ukraine taking into account the peculiarities of legal regulation of labor relations in modern conditions; to teach students the ability to apply in practice the acquired knowledge of labor law; to help students acquire skills of independent work that will deepen and update knowledge of labor legislation; to form legal awareness and raise the level of legal culture. The task of the discipline is to study students' legal sources that regulate labor relations of employees, as well as their mastery of the main theoretical and practical problems that exist in the use of hired labor on the basis of employment contracts.
Recommended Books:
1. Bontlab V.V. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny: osnovy teoriyi trud. prava : navch. posib. / V.V. Bontlab [ta in.]; za zag. red. V.L. Kostyuka; Nacz. un-t "Kyyevo-Mogyl. akad" [ta in.]. K.: Promin, 2010. 280 s.
2. Dmy`trenko Yu. P. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny: pidruchnyk / Yu. P. Dmytrenko. K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2009. 621 s.
3. Dolgix N.P. Trudove pravo: navch. posib. / N. P. Dolgix, V.P. Marushhak; Nacz. akad. derzh. upr. Pry Prezydentovi Ukrayiny, Odes. region. in-t derzh. upr. O.: ORIDU NADU, 2011. 195 s.
4. Karkachova A.V. Trudove pravo: konspekt lekcij / Karkachova A.V.; Donecz. derzh. un-t upr. Doneczk : Texnopak, 2012. 187 s.
5. Melnyk K.Yu. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny: pidruchnyk / K.Yu. Melnyk; Xarkiv. nacz. un-t vnutr. sprav. Xarkiv : Disa plyus, 2014. 479 s.
6. Ostapenko L. O. Trudove pravo: navch.-metod. posib. / L. O. Ostapenko, I.M. Panonko, S. L. Dembiczka ; Nacz. un-t "Lviv. politexnika". Lviv: Vyd-vo Lviv. politexniky, 2013. 154 s.
7. Pavliv-Samoyil N.P. Trudove pravo (ponyattya, sxemy, tablyci): navch. posib. / N.P. Pavliv-Samoyil, V.M. Adam, A.I. Godyak ; Lviv. derzh. un-t vnutr. sprav. L.: LvDUVS, 2013. 171 s.
8. Pylypenko P.D. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny. Praktykum: navch. posib. dlya studentiv VNZ / za red. d-ra yuryd. nauk, prof. P.D. Pylypenka ; Lviv. nacz. un-t im. Ivana Franka. Kyyiv : In Yure, 2014. 349 s.
9. Pylypenko P.D. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny: akadem. kurs : pidruch. dlya stud. vyshh. navch. zakl. / za red. d-ra yury`d. nauk, prof. P.D. Pylypenka; Lviv. nacz. un-t im. Ivana Franka. K.: In Yure, 2014. 548s.
10. Prylypko S.M. Trudove pravo Ukrayiny v sxemax i tably`cyax: navch. posib. dlya stud. vyshh. navch. zakl. / S.M. Prylypko, O.M. Yaroshenko, O.Ye. Kostyuchenko, D.S. Pidkopaj. X. : FINN, 2010. 557 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Validated oral interviews on practical classes; presentation on practical classes with a lecture, a report, participation in a discussion, etc.; Testing students' knowledge on the topic of the lecture course; written control work (answers to the questions of the lecture course, the solution of practical tasks, exercises, etc.); homework assignment.