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Design of Electrical Installations with Renewable Energy Sources
Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of Subject: 7.141.01.E.44
Credits: 5
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Ph.D., Ass. Prof. Oliinyk Myhajlo Yosypovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• scientific and mathematical principles to solving engineering problems and research of energy objects from non-traditional sources;
• system power supply from non-traditional sources and its elements;
• strategy of solving the energy supply from non-traditional sources;
• knowledge of the current state of affairs, trends, the latest technology in the field of alternative energy
• system power supply from non-traditional sources and its elements;
• strategy of solving the energy supply from non-traditional sources;
• knowledge of the current state of affairs, trends, the latest technology in the field of alternative energy
Required prior and related subjects:
• Theoretical bases of electrical engineering;
• The sypply system of general purpose;
• Energy saving has and alternative energy sources;
• Energy management;
• Theory and practice of energy audit.
• Theoretical bases of electrical engineering;
• The sypply system of general purpose;
• Energy saving has and alternative energy sources;
• Energy management;
• Theory and practice of energy audit.
Summary of the subject:
Power supply facilities on installations of alternative energy. The work of non-conventional sources of electricity, together with over power line. Power supply with the use of solar energy, wind energy, energy of the terrestrial bowels. Power device of biomass. Heat pump.
Recommended Books:
1. Adamenko O. Alternatyvni palyva ta inshi netradytsiini dzherela enerhii : Pidruch. dlia enerhet. i ekol. spets. vyshch. navch. zakl. / O. Adamenko, V. Vysochanskyi, V. Lotko, M. Mykhailiv; red.: V. Lotko; In-t menedzh. ta ekonomiky.– Ivano-Frankiv., 2000.– 255 c.– ukp.
2. Hnatyshyn Ya.M. Peretvorennia ta vykorystannia vidnovnoi enerhii: Navch. posib. / Ya.M. Hnatyshyn, S.S. Mazepa, I.R. Kens.– Lviv: RVV NLTU Ukrainy, 2013.– 196 s.
3. Deviatkina S. S. Alternatyvni dzherela enerhii : Navchalnyi posibnyk / S. Deviatkina, T. Shkvarnytska.– M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. aviatsiinyi un-t.– K.: NAU, 2006.– 89 s.
4. Kuzminskyi Ye. Netradytsiini elektrokhimichni systemy peretvorennia enerhii / Ye. Kuzminskyi, H. Kolbasov, Ya. Tevtul, N. Holub. – K.: Akademperiodyka, 2002. – 181s.
5. Ratushniak H. S. Enerhozberihaiuchi vidnovliuvalni dzherela teplopostachannia: navch. posib. / H. S. Ratushniak, V. V. Dzhedzhula, K. V. Anokhina; Vinnyts. nats. tekhn. un-t.– Vinnytsia, 2010.– 178 c.– ukp.
2. Hnatyshyn Ya.M. Peretvorennia ta vykorystannia vidnovnoi enerhii: Navch. posib. / Ya.M. Hnatyshyn, S.S. Mazepa, I.R. Kens.– Lviv: RVV NLTU Ukrainy, 2013.– 196 s.
3. Deviatkina S. S. Alternatyvni dzherela enerhii : Navchalnyi posibnyk / S. Deviatkina, T. Shkvarnytska.– M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. aviatsiinyi un-t.– K.: NAU, 2006.– 89 s.
4. Kuzminskyi Ye. Netradytsiini elektrokhimichni systemy peretvorennia enerhii / Ye. Kuzminskyi, H. Kolbasov, Ya. Tevtul, N. Holub. – K.: Akademperiodyka, 2002. – 181s.
5. Ratushniak H. S. Enerhozberihaiuchi vidnovliuvalni dzherela teplopostachannia: navch. posib. / H. S. Ratushniak, V. V. Dzhedzhula, K. V. Anokhina; Vinnyts. nats. tekhn. un-t.– Vinnytsia, 2010.– 178 c.– ukp.
Assessment methods and criteria:
final control - differentiated credit for the results of the inspection of work and its protection.
Design of Electrical Installations with Renewable Energy Sources (курсовий проект)
Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of Subject: 7.141.01.E.46
Credits: 3
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Ph.D., Ass. Prof. Oliinyk Myhajlo Yosypovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• scientific and mathematical principles to solving engineering problems and research of energy objects from non-traditional sources;
• system power supply from non-traditional sources and its elements;
• strategy of solving the energy supply from non-traditional sources;
• knowledge of the current state of affairs, trends, the latest technology in the field of alternative energy
• system power supply from non-traditional sources and its elements;
• strategy of solving the energy supply from non-traditional sources;
• knowledge of the current state of affairs, trends, the latest technology in the field of alternative energy
Required prior and related subjects:
• Theoretical bases of electrical engineering;
• The sypply system of general purpose;
• Energy saving has and alternative energy sources;
• Energy management;
• Theory and practice of energy audit.
• Theoretical bases of electrical engineering;
• The sypply system of general purpose;
• Energy saving has and alternative energy sources;
• Energy management;
• Theory and practice of energy audit.
Summary of the subject:
Power supply facilities on installations of alternative energy. The work of non-conventional sources of electricity, together with over power line. Power supply with the use of solar energy, wind energy, energy of the terrestrial bowels. Power device of biomass. Heat pump.
Recommended Books:
1. Adamenko O. Alternatyvni palyva ta inshi netradytsiini dzherela enerhii : Pidruch. dlia enerhet. i ekol. spets. vyshch. navch. zakl. / O. Adamenko, V. Vysochanskyi, V. Lotko, M. Mykhailiv; red.: V. Lotko; In-t menedzh. ta ekonomiky.– Ivano-Frankiv., 2000.– 255 c.– ukp.
2. Hnatyshyn Ya.M. Peretvorennia ta vykorystannia vidnovnoi enerhii: Navch. posib. / Ya.M. Hnatyshyn, S.S. Mazepa, I.R. Kens.– Lviv: RVV NLTU Ukrainy, 2013.– 196 s.
3. Deviatkina S. S. Alternatyvni dzherela enerhii : Navchalnyi posibnyk / S. Deviatkina, T. Shkvarnytska.– M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. aviatsiinyi un-t.– K.: NAU, 2006.– 89 s.
4. Kuzminskyi Ye. Netradytsiini elektrokhimichni systemy peretvorennia enerhii / Ye. Kuzminskyi, H. Kolbasov, Ya. Tevtul, N. Holub. – K.: Akademperiodyka, 2002. – 181s.
5. Ratushniak H. S. Enerhozberihaiuchi vidnovliuvalni dzherela teplopostachannia: navch. posib. / H. S. Ratushniak, V. V. Dzhedzhula, K. V. Anokhina; Vinnyts. nats. tekhn. un-t.– Vinnytsia, 2010.– 178 c.– ukp.
2. Hnatyshyn Ya.M. Peretvorennia ta vykorystannia vidnovnoi enerhii: Navch. posib. / Ya.M. Hnatyshyn, S.S. Mazepa, I.R. Kens.– Lviv: RVV NLTU Ukrainy, 2013.– 196 s.
3. Deviatkina S. S. Alternatyvni dzherela enerhii : Navchalnyi posibnyk / S. Deviatkina, T. Shkvarnytska.– M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. aviatsiinyi un-t.– K.: NAU, 2006.– 89 s.
4. Kuzminskyi Ye. Netradytsiini elektrokhimichni systemy peretvorennia enerhii / Ye. Kuzminskyi, H. Kolbasov, Ya. Tevtul, N. Holub. – K.: Akademperiodyka, 2002. – 181s.
5. Ratushniak H. S. Enerhozberihaiuchi vidnovliuvalni dzherela teplopostachannia: navch. posib. / H. S. Ratushniak, V. V. Dzhedzhula, K. V. Anokhina; Vinnyts. nats. tekhn. un-t.– Vinnytsia, 2010.– 178 c.– ukp.
Assessment methods and criteria:
final control - differentiated credit for the results of the inspection of work and its protection.