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Heat Engines of Industrial Enterprises (курсовий проект)
Major: Heat and power engineering
Code of Subject: 6.144.02.E.109
Credits: 3
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Galyanchuk Igor R.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result, the discipline, the expert should know:
- thermal cycles of steam turbines;
- thermal processes in stages and multistage turbines;
- types of turbines;
- modes of turbines, their optimization;
- regulation turbines and thermal circuit elements.
Prepared specialist should be able to:
- Calculate thermal regeneration scheme in view of heat.
- To calculate the degree of regulatory turbine.
- Determine the number of degrees cylinder steam turbine.
- Perform detailed thermal calculation stepped cylinder steam turbine.
- thermal cycles of steam turbines;
- thermal processes in stages and multistage turbines;
- types of turbines;
- modes of turbines, their optimization;
- regulation turbines and thermal circuit elements.
Prepared specialist should be able to:
- Calculate thermal regeneration scheme in view of heat.
- To calculate the degree of regulatory turbine.
- Determine the number of degrees cylinder steam turbine.
- Perform detailed thermal calculation stepped cylinder steam turbine.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Engineering Thermodynamics;
- Hydro-gas Dynamics.
- Boiler Units of Industrial Enterprises;
- Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Industrial Enterprises.
- Engineering Thermodynamics;
- Hydro-gas Dynamics.
- Boiler Units of Industrial Enterprises;
- Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Industrial Enterprises.
Summary of the subject:
The principle of the turbine. Classification steam turbines. Fundamental circuit and thermal steam turbine plants. The heat cycle steam turbine plants. Regenerative feedwater heater. Interim overheating couple. The basic equations of motion of a compressible fluid. Converting energy turbine stage. Triangles speeds. The power level. Working couples. Additional energy loss. The enlargement process steam from the additional losses. The degree of speed, workflow theory, triangles speed, efficiency. Workflow multistage turbines. The coefficient of restitution heat. Internal and external loss in steam turbines. Moisture in the turbine and its economy. Methods of steam distribution. Throttle nozzle and steam distribution. Bypass steam distribution. Choice steam distribution. Turbines with intermediate steam extraction. Purpose and scheme condensing installations. Thermal processes in the condenser. The air removing device.
Recommended Books:
1. Turbini teplovih ta atomnih elektrostantsiy: Metodichni vkazivki i kontrolne zavdannya dlya samostiynoyi pidgotovki do praktichnih zanyat. / Ukl.: Y.S.Misak, T.Yu.Kravets. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Natsionalnogo universitetu „Lvivska politehnika”, 2003. – 12s.
2. Teploviy rozrahunok neregulovanih stupeniv parovoyi turbini. Metodichni vkazivki do kursovogo proektu / Ukl.: T.Yu.Kravets, I.R.Galyanchuk, S.G.Yagolnik, D.S.Baranovich. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2011. – 24s.
3. Teploviy rozrahunok regenerativnoyi shemi turboustanovki ta vibir tipu i rozrahunok regulyuvalnogo stupenya parovoyi turbini. Metodichni vkazivki do kursovogo proektu / Ukl.: T.Yu.Kravets, I.R.Galyanchuk, S.G.Yagolnik. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2012. – 60s.
4. Doslidzhennya tsikliv parosilovih ustanovok. Metodichni vkazivki do samostiynoyi pidgotovki do praktichnih zanyat / Ukl.: I.L.Timofeev, I.R.Galyanchuk, T.I.Rimar. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2012. – 24s.
2. Teploviy rozrahunok neregulovanih stupeniv parovoyi turbini. Metodichni vkazivki do kursovogo proektu / Ukl.: T.Yu.Kravets, I.R.Galyanchuk, S.G.Yagolnik, D.S.Baranovich. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2011. – 24s.
3. Teploviy rozrahunok regenerativnoyi shemi turboustanovki ta vibir tipu i rozrahunok regulyuvalnogo stupenya parovoyi turbini. Metodichni vkazivki do kursovogo proektu / Ukl.: T.Yu.Kravets, I.R.Galyanchuk, S.G.Yagolnik. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2012. – 60s.
4. Doslidzhennya tsikliv parosilovih ustanovok. Metodichni vkazivki do samostiynoyi pidgotovki do praktichnih zanyat / Ukl.: I.L.Timofeev, I.R.Galyanchuk, T.I.Rimar. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2012. – 24s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (30%): oral examination.
• final control (70 %): differentiated test
• final control (70 %): differentiated test