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Control of Power Distribution Systems Modes

Major: Electric Systems and Networks
Code of Subject: 7.141.02.M.27
Credits: 5
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Ph.D., Ass. Prof. Lysiak Vladyslav Heorhiiovich
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• technical characteristics, structural features, the purpose and rules of operation of the power, electrical and electromechanical equipment and equipment;
• information and communication technologies and programming skills to solve the tasks of the management modes of power distribution systems;
• modern management modes of power distribution systems
Required prior and related subjects:
• Physics;
• Higher mathematics;
• Theoretical bases of electrical engineering;
• Static power converters of the of power supply system;
• General purpose power supply system;
• Modes of power supply systems.
• Energy management.
Summary of the subject:
Ensure the quality of electrical energy in power distribution systems as the main purpose of management regimes. Power management and accounting. Voltage regulation in power distribution system. Control of reactive power into power distribution system to reduce energy losses and voltage regulation.
Recommended Books:
1. Kalentionok E.V. Operativnoe upravlenie v jenergosistemah / E.V. Kalentionok, V.G. Prokopenko, V.T. Fedin; pod. obshh. red. V.T. Fedina.– Minsk: Vysh. shk., 2007.– 351 s.: il.
2. Gordeev V.I. Regulirovanie maksimuma nagruzki promyshlennyh jelektricheskih setej.– M.: Jenergoatomizdat, 1985.– 84 s.
3. Gordeev V.I., Vasil'ev I.E., Shhuckij V.I. Upravlenie jelektropotrebleniem i ego prognozirovanie.– Rostov-na-Donu.– Izd-vo Rostov, un-ta, 1991.– 104 s.
4. Zhezhelenko I.V., Saenko Ju.L. Pokazateli kachestva jelektrojenergii i ih kontrol' na promyshlennyh predprijatijah.– Moskva: Jenergoatomizdat, 2000.– 254s.
5. Ivanov B.C., Sokolov V.I Rezhimy potreblenija i kachestvo jelektrojenergii sistem jelektrosnabzhenija promyshlennyh predprijatij.– M.: Jenergoatomizdat, 1987.– 336 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• a written report of laboratory and design works, oral (30%);
• final control – exam: writing oral form (70%).