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Control of Electricity Generation and Distribution
Major: Electric systems and networks
Code of Subject: 7.141.02.M.23
Credits: 5
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yaroslava Pryshliak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of basic characteristics of main equipment of thermal power plants (TPP);
• knowledge of characteristics of normal, special and emergency operation conditions of TPP power unit electrical part;
• knowledge of principles of making systems for training power unit operational control;
• ability to analyze normal, special and emergency operation conditions of electrical part of TPP power unit;
• ability to control the electrical part of power unit in the basic, special and emergency operation conditions;
• ability to work with automated training system for control of TPP power unit electrical part.
• knowledge of characteristics of normal, special and emergency operation conditions of TPP power unit electrical part;
• knowledge of principles of making systems for training power unit operational control;
• ability to analyze normal, special and emergency operation conditions of electrical part of TPP power unit;
• ability to control the electrical part of power unit in the basic, special and emergency operation conditions;
• ability to work with automated training system for control of TPP power unit electrical part.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Electromagnetic compatibility;
• Relay protection and automation of power plants.
• Relay protection and automation of power plants.
Summary of the subject:
Electrical part of TPP power unit. Training system for operational control of the electrical part of TPP power unit. Features of automated training system functioning on PC. Basic operating conditions of power unit electrical part and it operational control. REC670 control device for switching equipment.
Recommended Books:
1. Pryshliak Ya. D. (2014), “Management systems for electricity production. Lectures book for students of 7(8).05070106 specialty”, Lviv, Natsionalnyi Universytet “Lvivska Politekhnika”, 83 p. (in Ukrainian)
2. Pryshliak Ya. D. (2015), Electronic teaching and methodological complex “Management system for electricity production”, certificate №01059, Е41-154-11/2015. (in Ukrainian)
2. Pryshliak Ya. D. (2015), Electronic teaching and methodological complex “Management system for electricity production”, certificate №01059, Е41-154-11/2015. (in Ukrainian)
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory and calculation works, oral questioning (30%)
• final control - exam: written and oral form (70%)
• final control - exam: written and oral form (70%)