Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Theory and Practice of Energy Audit

Major: Energy management
Code of Subject: 7.141.07.O.4
Credits: 4
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Doct. Sci. (Tech.), Prof. Anton Malinovskyi
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• determination the current state of energy consumption at the facility;
• analysis of energy efficiency;
• the possibilities for energy saving;
• development and studying of measures efficiently on the object of the audit.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Fundamentals of energy policy;
• Theoretical fundamentals of electrical engineering,
• Fundamentals of thermal engineering,
• Metrology and electrical measurements.
Summary of the subject:
Features and stages of the energy audit. Methods of determining the amount and value of energy consumption and energy carriers on the object of the audit. Tariffs for energy resources. Analysis and evaluation of the state of energy using. Determination of potential energy-saving. Measures to improve energy consumption in industrial processes and the creation of microclimate in industrial and residential buildings. Preparation and study of the list of energy-saving measures at the facility audit. Criteria for evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures. The requirements for the formation and content of the energy audit report.
Recommended Books:
1. Енергетичний аудит. Навчальний посібник/ О.І.Соловей, В.П.Розен, Ю.Г.Лега, О.О.Ситник, А.В.Чернявський, Г.В.Курбака. – Черкаси:ЧДТУ, 2005. – 299с.
2. Енергетичний аудит об’єктів житлово-комунального господарства: Монографія/ В.П.Розен, О.І.Соловей, С.В.Бржестовський, А.В.Чернявський, П.В.Розен// Під заг.ред. В.П.Розена, О.І.Солов’я – К.: ПП ВКФ «ДЕЛЬТА ФОКС», 2007. -224 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports of the control work, oral (30%);
• final control – exam: writing oral form (70%).