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Specialized Measuring Devices and Systems in Chemical Technology
Major: Automated Control of Technological Processes
Code of Subject: 7.151.01.E.29
Credits: 3
Department: Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Lecturer: Vasylkivskyi Ihor Stepanovych, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the trends of technical means to measure process parameters in chemical technology; methods for measuring process parameters in chemical technology; principles of construction devices for measuring process parameters in chemical technology; basic types of standard transformers primary and secondary devices for measuring process parameters in chemical technology;
- be able to choose the method of measuring the specific process parameters, device that implements this method and limits of measuring instrument and its other metrological characteristics; calculate parameters for devices recalibration a new measuring range; develop innovative primary transducers for measuring technological parameters of thermal power plants; diagnose suitability and reliability of metrological devices and automatic control of chemical technology.
- be able to choose the method of measuring the specific process parameters, device that implements this method and limits of measuring instrument and its other metrological characteristics; calculate parameters for devices recalibration a new measuring range; develop innovative primary transducers for measuring technological parameters of thermal power plants; diagnose suitability and reliability of metrological devices and automatic control of chemical technology.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Technological Measurements and Instrumentation;
- Microprocessor and Programmable Automation Devices;
- Automation Devices,
- Automation and optimization of chemical-technological processes
- Technological Measurements and Instrumentation;
- Microprocessor and Programmable Automation Devices;
- Automation Devices,
- Automation and optimization of chemical-technological processes
Summary of the subject:
Characterization of technological processes in chemical technology in terms of the use of special control instruments and systems. Features of the system of automatic control of technological parameters in chemical technology. Special methods and instruments for temperature measurement. Methods of temperature measurement in technological processes of chemical industry by contact and non-contact methods, measurement errors, methods for their accounting and reduction; rules for installing thermoconverters during measurement. Methods of control of chemical reactions. Methods and instruments for flame torch flame. Measurement of thermal values. Calorimeters for solids, liquids and gases. Heat meters and heat meters. Special methods and instruments for measuring the amount and consumption of liquids, gases and vapors. Special methods and instruments for measuring the amount and consumption of bulk materials. Gyroscopic coal dust flow meters, conveyor scales. Measurement of water level in the steam generator drum, deaerator, condenser and other units in chemical technology. Special methods and instruments for measuring the level of dust and fine-grained materials. Special methods and instruments for the automatic measurement of the concentration of liquid and gas mixtures. Gas analysis in chemical technology. Gas chromatographs.
Recommended Books:
1. Ревин В.Т. Преобразование и преобразователи измерительной информации: Учеб. пособие . В 5 ч./ В.Т. Ревин. - Мн.: БГУИР,
2004. – 91 с.: ил.
2. Кулаков М.В. Технологические измерения и приборы для химических производств Учебник, 3-е изд. - М.: Машиностроение, 1983. - 424с.
3. Преображенский В.П. Теплотехнические измерения и приборы: Учебник, 3-е изд. – М.: Энергия, 1978. - 704с.
4. Геращенко O.A., Гордов А.Н., Лах В.И., Стаднык Б.И., Ярышев H.A. Температурные измерения: Справочник. - К.: Наукова думка, 1984. - 496с.
5. Измерения в промышленности. Под ред. П. Профоса. Перевод с нем. под ред. Д.И. Агейкин; - М.: Металургия, 1980. 648с.
2004. – 91 с.: ил.
2. Кулаков М.В. Технологические измерения и приборы для химических производств Учебник, 3-е изд. - М.: Машиностроение, 1983. - 424с.
3. Преображенский В.П. Теплотехнические измерения и приборы: Учебник, 3-е изд. – М.: Энергия, 1978. - 704с.
4. Геращенко O.A., Гордов А.Н., Лах В.И., Стаднык Б.И., Ярышев H.A. Температурные измерения: Справочник. - К.: Наукова думка, 1984. - 496с.
5. Измерения в промышленности. Под ред. П. Профоса. Перевод с нем. под ред. Д.И. Агейкин; - М.: Металургия, 1980. 648с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30%);
- final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%).
- final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%).