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Turbines for Nuclear Power Stations
Major: Automated management of technological processes
Code of Subject: 7.151.01.E.57
Credits: 3
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Galyanchuk Igor R.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know thermal cycles of steam turbines;
• know thermal processes in stages and multistage turbines;
• know modes turbines, their optimization;
• know regulation turbines and thermal circuit elements;
• be able to ensure proper operation of the turbine and the heating elements of the installation, identify optimization mode of the turbine.
• know thermal processes in stages and multistage turbines;
• know modes turbines, their optimization;
• know regulation turbines and thermal circuit elements;
• be able to ensure proper operation of the turbine and the heating elements of the installation, identify optimization mode of the turbine.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering
• Technological production facilities and processes
• Nuclear power plants and systems
• Nuclear power reactors and steam generators
• Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering
• Technological production facilities and processes
• Nuclear power plants and systems
• Nuclear power reactors and steam generators
Summary of the subject:
The turbine as the main engine of modern electrical stations. The principle of the turbine. Classification steam turbines. Fundamental circuit and thermal steam turbine plants. The heat cycle steam turbine plants. Regenerative feedwater heater. Interim overheating couple. The basic equations of motion of a compressible fluid. Converting energy turbine stage. Triangles speeds. Workflow multistage turbines. The coefficient of restitution heat. Advantages and disadvantages of multistage turbines. Schemes pipelines labyrinth seals and drainage turbines. Tasks regulation of steam turbines. The principal regulatory schemes turbines. Uneven regulation. Static characteristic of Regulation. Methods impact on the static characteristic. Synchronizer its functions. Parallel operation of turbo-generators, load distribution between them. Purpose and scheme condensing installations. Thermal processes in the condenser. The air removing device. Features turbine vapor.
Recommended Books:
1. Mysak Y.S., Dvorovenko V.M., Kravets' T.Yu. Zupynka parovykh turbin enerhoblokiv TES. – L'viv: NVF "Ukrayins'ki tekhnolohiyi", 2010. – 210s.
2. Y.Mysak, V.Dvorovenko, I.Halyanchuk. Puskovi rezhymy parovykh turbin enerhoblokiv TES. - L'viv: NVF “Ukrayins'ki tekhnolohiyi”, 2008. – 174s.
3. Konstantinov S.M. Tekhnichna termodynamika – K.:Politekhnika, 2001 – 368s.
4. Teplotekhnika. O.F.Bulyandra, B.Kh.Drahanov, V.H.Fedoriv / Za red. B.Kh.Drahanova i O.F.Bulyandry – K.: Vyshcha shk.., 1998.
5. Parovyie i gazovyie turbinyi. Pod red. M.A.Kostyuka, V.V.Frolova, - M.:Elektroatomizdat, 1985, 352s.il.
6. B.M. Troyanovskiy, G.A. Filippov, A.E. Bulkin. Parovyie i gazovyie turbinyi atomnyih elektrostantsiy. - M.:Energoatomizdat, 1985 - 256s., il.
2. Y.Mysak, V.Dvorovenko, I.Halyanchuk. Puskovi rezhymy parovykh turbin enerhoblokiv TES. - L'viv: NVF “Ukrayins'ki tekhnolohiyi”, 2008. – 174s.
3. Konstantinov S.M. Tekhnichna termodynamika – K.:Politekhnika, 2001 – 368s.
4. Teplotekhnika. O.F.Bulyandra, B.Kh.Drahanov, V.H.Fedoriv / Za red. B.Kh.Drahanova i O.F.Bulyandry – K.: Vyshcha shk.., 1998.
5. Parovyie i gazovyie turbinyi. Pod red. M.A.Kostyuka, V.V.Frolova, - M.:Elektroatomizdat, 1985, 352s.il.
6. B.M. Troyanovskiy, G.A. Filippov, A.E. Bulkin. Parovyie i gazovyie turbinyi atomnyih elektrostantsiy. - M.:Energoatomizdat, 1985 - 256s., il.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (30%): written reports on calculation works, oral examination.
- Final control (70 % test): written-oral form (70%)
- Final control (70 % test): written-oral form (70%)