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Organization of Trade

Major: Business, Trade and Exchange Activities
Code of Subject: 6.076.00.O.27
Credits: 4
Department: Ecological Politics and Environment Protection Management
Lecturer: teachers of the department of entrepreneurship and ecological examination of goods
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
After mastering this discipline, the student must know: terms, concepts, categories, essence, content of trade organization, its scientific and theoretical principles, new theories, methodological approaches; patterns, trends, phenomena are characteristic of the organization of trade, both domestic and foreign; organizational systems, structures, forms and methods of organizational activity; principles, rules, means of organization, perspective models, organizational constructions, priorities of organizational development; the content of organizational actions, ways to strengthen organizational influence to increase the efficiency of trade and the implementation of trade functions.

A trained specialist must be able to: form a rational organizational structure, streamline the constituent elements of systems, implement effective organizational relationships and connections; to organize effective interaction of constituent elements of organizational systems in trade, optimization of their structure; to establish organizational activity, to use modern forms, methods, means of organizational influence on functioning of trade, the maintenance of trade objects within the added values ??of the basic parameters; to ensure the implementation of plans, programs, strategies for trade development.
Required prior and related subjects:
Economics of a commercial enterprise
Entry to the profession
Summary of the subject:
Organizational and legal forms of trade enterprises in modern conditions. Promising technical directions of development and design of retail trade network. Organization of retail sales of goods and customer service. Formation of the range of goods in the retail trade network. Trade and technological process management in store. Organization of advertising and information work in conditions of competition. Organization and technology of supply of retail trade enterprises. Organization of transportation of goods and accompanying operations. Warehouses, their arrangement and planning. Organization and technology of warehousing operations Trade and technological process management and organization of work in warehouses. Containers and container operations in trade. Features and rules of sale of certain groups of goods. Special forms of sale of goods. Off-store forms of sale of goods. Organization of trade in the markets
Recommended Books:
1. Apopius VV Trade organization: textbook / V.V. Apopiy, IP Mishchuk, VM Rebytsky and others; for order. V.V. Apopia. - К.: Центр навч. l-ri, 2005. -610 p.
2. Internal trade in Ukraine: economic conditions of effective development: monograph / AA Mazaraki, IOB Blank, LO Ligonenko and others. - К.: Київ. nat. trade and economy University, 2006. - 195 p.
3. Goloshubova NO Organization and technology of trade in consumer goods: textbook. way. / Н.О. Голошубова. - К.: Київ. nat. trade and economy University, 2007. - 272 p.
4. Goloshubova NO Wholesale trade: organization and technology: textbook. way. / Н.О. Голошубова, В.М. Toropkov. - К.: Київ. nat. trade and economy University, 2005. -265 p.
5. Lancaster D. Sales organization: lane. with English / D. Lancaster, D. Jobber. - Minsk: Amalfeya, 2003. - 384 p.
6. Levi M. Fundamentals of retail trade: lane. with English / M. Levy, B. Weitz. - СПб. : Питер, 1999.-448 с.
7. Modern supermarket: textbook. according to modern forms of trade. - M.: Izd-vo Zhigulskogo, 2002. - 336 s.
8. Schroeder K. Specialty store: how to build a profitable business in retail lane. with English: / K. Schroeder. - М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2004. - 384 с.
9. E-commerce / A. Bereza, I. Kozak, F. Levchenko and others. - К.: КНЕУ, 2002. - 326 с.
10. Angel DF Consumer behavior / D.F. Angel, R.D. Blackwell, P.P. Miniard. - СПб. : Питер Ком, 1999. - 768 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
current control 30%
final control 70%