Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Major: Physics and biomedical electronics
Code of Subject: 7.153.03.M.16
Credits: 5
Department: Photonics
Lecturer: Dosent Popovych Dmytro Ivanovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know: physical principles of work of modern photovoltaic converters, how they work, design features and methods of improving the efficiency of solar cells and modules;
• be able: to analyze the work of solar cells and modules, measure and calculate their parameters, to analyze the design features of photovoltaic devices to enhance their performance;
• have a sufficient understanding of the main trends and prospects of practical application of photovoltaics.
• be able: to analyze the work of solar cells and modules, measure and calculate their parameters, to analyze the design features of photovoltaic devices to enhance their performance;
• have a sufficient understanding of the main trends and prospects of practical application of photovoltaics.
Required prior and related subjects:
• physics,
• optical materials,
• basics of optoelectronics and photonics.
• optical materials,
• basics of optoelectronics and photonics.
Summary of the subject:
The physical principles of work of solar cells. Classification of solar cells. The main characteristics of solar cells. Second generation solar cells based on multicomponent semiconductors. The third generation inorganic solar cells. The third generation solar cells of exciton type. Solar cells based on metalorganic materials. Design features of solar cells and optical systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Andreev VM et al. Photoelectric conversion of concentrated solar radiation – L : Nauka, 1989. -310p.
2. M. Meitin. Photovoltaic: perspective technology materials. Electronics, -2000, -№6, -P.40-46.
3. A.Hrachov. Orhanycheskaya fotovoltayka – zavtrashnyy den solnechnoy enerhetyky. Elektryk. -2015, -№10, -P.44-46.
4. V.A.Malichko and others. Solar photovoltaics: current state and development trends. UFN, -2016, -T.186,№8 P.801-852.
2. M. Meitin. Photovoltaic: perspective technology materials. Electronics, -2000, -№6, -P.40-46.
3. A.Hrachov. Orhanycheskaya fotovoltayka – zavtrashnyy den solnechnoy enerhetyky. Elektryk. -2015, -№10, -P.44-46.
4. V.A.Malichko and others. Solar photovoltaics: current state and development trends. UFN, -2016, -T.186,№8 P.801-852.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports from lab sessions, oral reports, test (30%)
• final test (70%, test, credit): written-oral form (70%).
• final test (70%, test, credit): written-oral form (70%).