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Television Systems and Information Display Devices

Major: Radio Communications, Broadcasting and Television Systems and Devices
Code of Subject: 7.172.03.M.18
Credits: 5
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: d.t.s., prof. Shkliarskyi Volodymyr Ivanovych, k.t.s., assist. of dep. Matiieshyn Yurij Mykolayovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Lessons knowledge features of the principles of construction of modern television systems;
2. Lessons knowledge features of the principles of construction of modern information display devices;
3. The ability to assess the quality of modern television systems;
4. The ability to assess the quality of modern information display devices;
5. Lessons modern methods of measurement parameters and characteristics of television systems, skill of the pilot study;
6. Lessons modern methods of measurement parameters and characteristics of information display devices, skills of the pilot study.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisite modules: Fundamentals of Radio and Television, Fundamentals of Radio System Theory, Methods of Signal Generation and Formation, Methods of Signal Reception and Processing, Digital Methods of Radiotechnical Systems Implementation.
Co-requisite modules: Radioautomatics, Radio Communication and Information Transfer Systems, Digital Television and Television Centers, Microprocessors in Radioelectronic Devices and Systems.
Summary of the subject:
The concept of television systems and complex, broadcast systems of color television, surround television systems, television systems of increased definition, television systems of high and ultra high-definition, narrowband television systems, classification of information display systems, information coding, information display systems, information display principles, indicated devices of IDS, color information display devices, matrix and alphanumeric IDS, prospective information display means.
Recommended Books:
1. Shkliarskyi V.I. Television systems and complexes. Lecture notes on the subject "Television systems and complexes" (electronic version) for students of speciality "Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes". Concluded by Shkliarskyi V.I. - 2012. – 80 p.
2. Yarochkin V.I. Informational security. The textbook for university students / 3-rd ed. – M .: Academic Project: Triksta, 2005. – 544 p.
3. Dzhakonyya V.E., Gogol A.A. and others. Television: Textbook for universities. – M.: Hotline – Telecom, 2002. – 640 p.
4. Lisitsyn B.L. The domestic display devices and their foreign analogues. – M.: Radio and Communications, 1993. – 432 p.
5. Novakovskyy S.V., Kotelnikov A.V. New television system. – M .: Radio and Communications, 1992. – 88 p.
6. Erohovtsev V.K. Holographic memory and displays. IAS BSSR, Inst. of Cybernetics techn. – Minsk: Science and Technics, 1991. – 222 p.
7. Ignatiev V.M. Display and input system of the video with increased density and volume. – Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov University Press, 1990. – 160 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (30%): calculation-graphics work, oral defence of laboratory work;
- final control (70%): exam, written-oral form