The Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University invites you to participate in the 13th Open Conference of IMFS dedicated to 125th anniversary of Stefan Banah, which will be held on March 30–31, 2017, in Lviv.
Conference topics and sections
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and mechanics (mathematical analysis, differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, algebra, geometry, mechanics)
- Applied Mathematics (computing mathematics, numerical methods, mathematical modeling)
- Physics
- Theoretical physics
- Experimental and applied physics
- Nanomaterials science
- Information Technologies
- International information
- Geoinformation technologies
- Global network technologies and web-design
- Descriptive Geometry and Computer Graphics
- Descriptive geometry and computer graphics
- Methodology of teaching Mathematics and Sciences
- Methodology of teaching Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and IT
Working languages – Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Application submission deadline – March 1, 2017. Papers submission deadline – March 15, 2017.
Organizing committee e-mail –