The Department of Social Communication and Information Activities of Lviv Polytechnic National University is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th International Academic Conference «Information, Communication, Society – 2017», which will be held on May 18–20, 2017, in Slavsk in the Cartpathians (Skolivski beskydy) 130 km to the south of Lviv.
The sphere of academic interests of the Department of Social Communication and Information Activities includes a wide range of relevant research in information consolidation, social communications, library and archive work, information management, e-government, documentation, applied psychology and linguistics, information space security. The complexity and relevance of research call for exchanging academic information with the representatives of Ukrainian and foreign academic schools, as well as for establishing partnership with organizations.
Conference topics
- Documentation and information activities in the system of modern research
- Information and communication technologies in Internet and World Wide Web
- Social communications
- Information management and database intellectual processing technologies
- Information space security of the state
- E-democracy and e-government
- Linguistic technologies in information activities
- Psychological and pedagogic components of documentation and information activities
- Library, archive and museum work in terms of information society development
Within the framework of the Conference, a round table discussion of the current issues in education development «Information, library and archive work» will be held.
To participate in the conference, you should send an application form and the abstract of the report to the organizing committee e-mail address ics.conference@gmail.com by April 21, 2017.
Organizing committee contact information:
Lviv, 3 Mytropolyt Andrei str.,
Lviv Polytechnic academic building 4, room 523, Department of Social Communication and Information Activities
e-mail: ics.conference@gmail.com,
conference webpage: http://www.facebook.com/ics.conference.