On February 13, 2017, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University and Prosvita People’s House of Lviv Polytechnic invite you to the meeting «Dialogues with Archbishop Borys Hudzyak» on the occasion of 125th birthday anniversary of Josyf Slipyj.
Venue – Assembly Hall of the University main building (12 St. Bandera str.). Beginning at 2pm.
- Siracusa – Harvard – Lviv – Paris: Archbishop Borys Hudzyak’s way from a Plast member and scientist in the USA to the spiritual leader and architect of Ukraine’s future.
- Patriarch Josyf Slipyj’s instructions: why Ukrainian Church abroad is the key factor of preserving Ukrainians’ identity in the world.
- Ukrainian community in France: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
- Ukrainian Catholic University: how it was possible in modern Ukraine to create a higher educational institution well-known around the world.
You are going to find out about all this and a lot of other things at the meeting with Archbishop Borys Hudzyak, Eparch of St. Volodymyr the Great Eparchy in Paris for Ukrainians of Byzantine rite in France, Benelux countries and Switzerland, President of Ukrainian Catholic University, public activist, scientist, Chevalier of the National Order of the Legion of Honour, who is meeting Lviv Polytechnic academic community for the first time.
At the meeting, Archbishop Borys Hudzyak is going to answer questions from students, lecturers, intelligentsia, Lviv community and journalists.
Free admission.