The Department of Constitutional and International Law of Lviv Polytechnic National University invites you to take part in II Scientific and Practical Virtual Conference Legal Principles of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine: Achievements and Prospects, which will be held on November 23, 2018 in Lviv, 1/3 Kniaz Roman Str.
The purpose of the conference is to exchange experience and discuss the topical theoretical and practical problems of Euro-integration and Euro-Atlantic processes in Ukraine. The main directions of the conference:
- Ukraine-EU: Trends and Prospects for Relations Development;
- Ukraine-NATO: the Current State and Prospects for Cooperation Development.
The organizers invite scientists and teachers of higher education institutions, state institutions and organizations, representatives of civil society organizations, practicing lawyers and analysts who are interested in the problems of European integration and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations.
Submit the materials to kmp.dept@lpnu.ua till November 9, 2018. Materials may be written in Ukrainian, English, German or Polish.