The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the 15th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET-2020), which takes place on February 25–29, 2020.
The main purpose of the conference is a presentation of new scientific results and trends in science and technology, as well as the exchange of ideas.
Conference topics
- Signal and electronic circuit's theory.
- Simulation in radio electronics, communications and computer sciences.
- Simulation of electro-technical and electro-energetic systems.
- Models, algorithms, software and hardware construction means of information and communication and radio electronic devices and systems.
- Electronics and photonics: systems and devices, micro- and nanotechnologies.
- Innovative optical technologies and nanoengineering: nanocomposites, its synthesis and properties.
- Telecommunications: wired and wireless systems, network services, management.
- Information systems and technologies.
- Quality, reliability and diagnostics of electronic and information systems and devices.
- ICT systems and networks.
- Internet of Things.
- Cybersecurity.
- Information processing.
- Biomedical engineering.
- Antennas, microwave technology and electromagnetic compatibility.
- Radar systems.
- Satellite communication, navigation, positioning systems and monitoring.
- Computer-aided design.
The deadline for applications and materials submissions is December 1, 2019.