The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the ІІІ International Scientific and Practical Internet conference for young scientists on the Economic Development of the State, Regions and Enterprises: Problems and Prospects, held April 23–24, 2019 at the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Young scientists under 35 (at least one of the authors must meet this criterion), including lecturers of education institutions, research officers, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, etc., as well as experts in economy and management, working at enterprises, organizations and institutions, representatives of local government and public authorities who deal with the problems of economic development and master students are invited to participate in the conference.
Sections of the conference
- Problems and prospects of economic development of Ukraine in terms of European integration;
- The impact of external and internal factors on the economic development of the regions;
- Comprehensive economic development of the enterprises;
- Strategic management of innovative development at the macro and micro levels;
- Balanced economic development of Ukraine: social, legal, environmental and other aspects.
To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill in the registration application and submit the required documents to the email address of the Organizing Committee at conf-rmv-inem@ukr.net, indicating the subject «Thesis statements: surname and initials of the participant» till April 12, 2019.