The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology at Lviv Polytechnic National University invites you to take part in the International Conference on The Protection of Human Rights in Criminal, Procedural and Forensic Procedures in Ukraine, which will be held on June 7, 2019 in Lviv.
The conference aims to provide scientific and practical solutions to the problems of ensuring and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms in the context of the integration of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation of Ukraine into European standards, as well as to discuss relevant issues of criminal law and procedure, criminology, criminalistics, criminal-executive law, forensic examination and generalization of scientific and practical experience in solving these problems.
The location is the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology at Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, 1 Kniazia Romana Street, XIX educational building, room 331). The conference will be held online.
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send an electronic version of abstracts at kpp.dept@lpnu.ua or mykhailo.v.huzela@lpnu.ua till May 31, 2019.
More details are in the conference newsletter