GlobalLogic Ukraine invites you to a lecture «Navigating a Career in the Changing World of IT Technologies» by Bart Fisher, Director, Learning and Development, GlobalLogic USA, where he will talk about new approaches to successful career development based on skills and knowledge.
The participants of the event will learn:
- what to expect in today’s world, taking into account differences in generations and priorities;
- why you should constantly work on your «hard» skills, taking into account constant evolution and development of technology and disciplines;
- how important «soft» skills are in team work on complex projects and teams who strive to succeed;
- about the key role of the international customer experience.
The lecture is held on December 6, 2019, in the room 218, the I academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Beginning at 12:10.
Admission is free, but pre-registration is required.