In order to intensify European integration of Ukraine, to identify problems and prospects for cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine, taking into account European experience, as well as to disseminate knowledge about the European Union among academic, scientific, student and professional communities, to establish relationships and develop cooperation between researchers of the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and researchers from educational and scientific institutions of Ukraine and other countries, the leading practitioners of the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs, Lviv Polytechnic, organize the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference «Development of Cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine» (EU -Ukraine Cooperation), which will take place on November 26, 2020.
The main directions of the conference:
- Mechanisms of cross-border cooperation and regional integration in Europe
- Development of relations between Ukraine and the EU
- Economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU
- Circular economy: implementation of EU experience in Ukraine
- Global prospects for increasing the EU’s competitiveness
Participation in the Internet conference is free, the form of participation is remote. Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian and English.
The deadline for materials submission is November 19, 2020. Materials should be sent to jmmcircle2020@gmail.com.