From January 25 to February 7, 2021, the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, will hold the XIV International School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» online. Foreigners, students of Ukrainian studies abroad, young people who plan to study in Ukraine, representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora aged 16+ with different levels of language proficiency are invited to participate in the School.
IECDR has many years of experience in conducting Summer Schools of Ukrainian Studies offline. Every year there have been one or even several Schools in Lviv or abroad, in particular in Kazakhstan and Argentina. Students of Summer Schools «Step to Ukraine» were students, scientists, researchers and diplomats from 24 countries: France, Poland, Belarus, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Bulgaria, USA, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Canada, Great Britain, Algeria, Slovenia, Spain and Brazil.
This year, for the first time the Institute held an online Summer School (July 13–26, 2020), which was a great success and showed that students are ready to study in this format not only in summer but also throughout the year. Therefore, at the request of students, IECDR will hold an online Language School for the first time in the winter 2021.
The XIV International Online School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» offers:
- two weeks of intensive Ukrainian as a foreign language at different levels of language proficiency (A1 – C2);
- daily Ukrainian language classes in small groups (up to 4 people; duration 90 minutes);
- daily conversational practice with native speakers (duration 60 minutes);
- weekend clubs with the participation of celebrities (duration 90 minutes);
- two options of the schedule of classes (according to Ukrainian time): from 10:00 and from 15:00;
- virtual Ukrainian-speaking environment with teachers, organizers and all students of the School.
The School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» is not only a school to learn the Ukrainian language, it is an opportunity to get to know modern and traditional Ukraine. The learning process integrates acquaintance with the history, culture and traditions of ancient and realities of modern Ukraine, dialogues with famous contemporaries, viewing Ukrainian innovations in the field of art, master classes by artists in their studios etc.
To apply to participate in the School, you must fill in the registration form by December 1, 2020. For additional information, please contact the organizers by e-mail steptoukraine@gmail.com.