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Economics and Management Institute history

Training of engineers and economists at Lviv Polytechnic started at Engineering and Economics Faculty. It was founded in 1965 and the first admission of students was in 1966.
Deans of Engineering and Economics Faculty:

  • Associate Professor Kozin P. (1965);
  • Professor Tyvonchuk I. (1966);
  • Associate Professor Babak B. (1966-1976);
  • Professor Bondarev P. (1976-1991);
  • Associate Professor Paranchuk S. (1991-1995).

In 1995 Economics and Engineering Faculty was reorganized into Economics and Management Faculty, headed by Professor Kuzmin О.

Institute of Economics and Management was founded on the basis of Economics and Management Faculty in 2001, headed by Professor Kuzmin О.Y. since its foundation till today.

The Institute consists of eight departments: Management and International Business, Management of Organizations, Finance, Accounting and Analysis, Business Economics and Investment, Marketing and Logistics, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Human Resource Management and Administration.

Institute of Economics and Management (IEM) provides a high-quality educational services to prepare qualified specialists in economics, business and management taking into account modern achievements of European and world educational practices based on high academic standards and improvement of educational and vocational training programs, on the basis of credit-modular system of the educational process.

The purpose of the Institute is to integrate into the global educational community. To achieve this goal the Institute unifies educational programs for specialists in economics and management, uses modern information technology, develops international cooperation with leading universities and research centers, improves material base and expands methodological support, develops close relationships with different organizations, business and banking institutions and state authorities.

Institute of Economics and Management prepares specialists in :

  • international economy that can work in the field of international economics, international marketing, banking and investment, pricing and competition in the global market;
  • finance and credit that can solve the problems of financial institutions in the field of insurance, credit operations, financial security and taxation, treasury, etc.;
  • accounting and audit with knowledge and practical skills in accounting, audit, economic analysis and taxation;
  • business economics that can work in the field of industrial and economic activities, investment and innovation activities, financial support and project management;
  • marketing that can work in industrial, commercial and financial organizations;
  • management of organizations in the field of industrial activity, management of services, tourism, hotel management;
  • human resource management that can work as manager of personnel, labor, sociology and psychology of work;
  • logistics that specialize in the field of material and technical supply, distribution, warehousing and transportation of goods, supply of information and other services, and can solve problems with optimization of material, financial and information flows, coordinate logistics, marketing and production strategies, make rational decisions on the organization of international supply chains;
  • innovation works management that specialize in information and analytical, controlling, expert, organizational and managerial, administrative and economical, educational, scientific and research, consulting and other kinds of economic activities;
  • foreign economic activity management that have knowledge and practical skills of management of foreign economic activity, customs affairs, monetary and financial and credit relations;
  • management of anti-monopoly activity (management in the field of economic competition) that are able to fulfil tasks of system analysis and prediction of competitive environment development, anti-monopoly examination, economic competition protection, intellectual property protection, consumer protection, anti-monopoly regulation, analyzing and planning of organization activity;
  • administration of innovative activity that are dealing with consulting, engineering, informatisation, innovative projects, intellectual property, standardisation and certification, information consolidation, effectiveness and development of economic and scientific and pedagogical activity.

Graduates of the Institute are competitive on the job market, successful in entrepreneurial business and in civil service, occupy high-level positions of directors and leading specialist of organizations, scientific institutions, public administration bodies, diplomatic services and international organizations.

The guarantee of getting high-quality education is the Institute faculty members, almost 80% of whom are Professors and Associate Professors with scientific degrees of Sc.D.s and Ph.D.s. All conditions for professional skill development, improvement and re-training of lecturers and also for training of scientific manpower are created in the Institute.

The main structural components of the Institute are departments, on which the learning process and preparation of methodological support (publishing of study guides, manuals, methodological literature, etc.) are relied.

Studying at the Institute provides scientific, professional and applied training. The best evidences of it are student’s annual victories in nationwide contests and competitions of graduation works. The university and institute library, modern computer classes, sports complexes, recreation in Alushta, Morske, Slavske are at Student’s disposal. Our students are able to learn and have fun, and evening parties prove it. They actively participate in university amateur festivals “Polytechnic Spring”, “Polytechnic Autumn”, “Miss Polytechnic” in “Prosvita” and various sporting activities in Lviv Polytechnic. Every department has research laboratories, works of which have modern market direction.

The Institute trains Ph.D. students, Sc. D. students, there works the specialized Academic Council on Ph.D. and Sc.D. theses.

To improve the quality of students training scientific and industrial institutions “Galtek”, “Galfin”, “Galosvitbank”, “Renko” were established with the assistance of the Institute of Economics and Management.

Lviv Academic Gimnasium, Lviv secondary school № 87, Lviv Banking Institute, Lviv Technical College, Institute for Regional Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and other structures take part in them.

Institute of Economics and Management is part of the scientific and educational institution “Ekonomosvita” which also includes the Institute of Regional Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ternopil National Economic University, Lviv Banking Institute of the National Bank of Ukraine, Lviv Academy of Commerce, State Higher School of Finance (Jaroslaw, Poland).

The main issues of the institution include training coordination of qualified specialists in the field of economic activity and the training of faculty members of higher qualification, writing of research papers, holding of joint academic conferences; permanent seminars, round tables on topical economic issues, joint publishing, international scientific and educational cooperation.
Active partnership is maintained with leading universities in Ukraine, USA, Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Russia, Canada, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Japan.

Last update: 7 years 3 days ago