Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Department of Marketing and Logistics

Head of Department: DSc(Econ.), Prof. Yevhen Krykavskyi
Deputy Head of Department for Educational Work: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Myroslava Mamchyn
Deputy Head of Departmen for Educational and Methodical Work: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Olha Kostiuk
Deputy Head of Department for Scientific Work: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Nazar Hlynskyi
Deputy Head of Department for International Cooperation: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Nazar Fihun

5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 415

Номер(и) телефону: 
(032) 258-26-25 (кімн. 415 IV н.к., секретар кафедри)
(032) 258-25-10 (кімн. 415А IV н.к., завідувач кафедри)
(032) 258-24-37 (кімн. 405 IV н.к., НДЛ-14 )
(032) 258-27-39 (кімн. 426 IV н.к., завідувач лабораторіями)
ml.dept [at] lpnu.ua
Yevhen.V.Krykavskyi [at] lpnu.ua


In early June, the students of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of Lviv...
Halyna Podvalna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, and Olena Bochko, Doctor of Economic...
Senior lecturer at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Institute of...
On November 8, 2018, on the eve of the World Science Day, award ceremony for talented...
Scientists from Ukraine and Poland came to Lviv Polytechnic to the XII International...
Recently, there has been a presentation of Philip Morris Business Academy Ukraine at Lviv...