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History of the Department of Management Technologies

The Department of Management Technologies was established in April 2009 by the order of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Order No. 43–10 of April 6, 2009) on the basis of the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education. The research direction of the Department includes two themes – «Management of economic activity of economic entities on a project basis in terms of internationalization» (TU-2, state registration number 0117U004475, supervised by Head of the Department Prof. Ilchuk) and «Tools for proactive management of innovative development of enterprises «(TU-NP, state registration number 0114U005250, supervised by Prof. Feshchur).

Over the years, the Department of Management Technologies became a leading training center for project managers in western Ukraine. The need to train specialists in «Project Management» was determined by the widespread implementation of project management in the work of industrial and business structures and public administrations in the region. Specialists in «Project Management» must identify directions, develop and implement projects for the development of enterprises, organizations and institutions.

The Department trains Master’s in specialty 073 «Management», specialization «Project Management», on the basis of basic or complete higher education, regardless of the acquired specialty in full-time and extramural education. The training of future managers involves highly qualified academic staff specializing in Management, Finance, Business Economics, Informatics and other fields.

The practice of using project management systems has proved their high efficiency and created a real need for a significant number of specialists – highly qualified project managers. Graduates can apply their professional skills at enterprises of different types of economic activities, participate in investment projects and programs, including ones with international investment.

The Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Pavlo Ilchuk. Academic staff of also includes: 2 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 3 Senior Lecturers, 3 Assistants, 1 Specialist, including 7 Candidates of Sciences. The average age of employees of the Department of Management Technologies in 2019 was 41 years.

The staff of the Department actively works in educational, methodical and scientific spheres and participates in important regional and national programs of economic development.

Over the past five years (2013–2019), the staff of the Department of Management Technologies published more than 10 monographs, 10 textbooks and 203 research articles in professional journals and presented reports at international and national scientific and technical conferences. Research materials were used for preparing lectures, conducting practical and laboratory classes, as well as for methodological materials and developments.

For the last five years (2013–2019) Master students of the Department of Management Technologies published 103 research articles and reports at student scientific and technical conferences.

Last update: 4 years 8 months ago