1 Dec 2016, 15:43

December 7 2016
- 8.30 – Thanksgiving prayer service (St. Yurii Archcathedral, 5 St. Yurii square)
- 12.30 – Opening of the memorial plaque dedicated to the Real School foundation – predecessor of Lviv Polytechnic (University main building, 12 S. Bandera str.)
- 15.00 – Jubilee academy on the occasion of Lviv Polytechnic Bicentenary (Lviv National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after Solomiya Krushelnytska, 28 Svoboda avenue)
December 8 2016
- 10.00 – International Scientific Conference “Scientists and alumni of Lviv Polytechnic in the world science and culture, international politics and economics” (Assembly Hall of the University main building, 12 S. Bandera str.)
- 16.00 – Jubilee meeting and concert dedicated to Lviv Polytechnic Bicentenary (University academic building I, 2/4 Karpinskii str.). Registration at 15.30.