Recently in the Lviv Polytechnic National University took place the XXI representative International Scientific Conference of Surveyors. Geography of the participants and their level of competence prove European and international recognition of the Lviv School of Geodesy achievements
Ihor Trevoho, the president of the Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography, PhD, professor at the Institute of Geodesy at Lviv Polytechnic was elected to be a Chairman of the conference Organizing Committee. The director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine Yaroslav Yatskiv (by the way, a graduate of the Lviv Polytechnic) and the head of the State Service of Ukraine on Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Maxim Martyniuk were co-chairmans.
Active part in the organization of such geological forums and their work is taken by the well-known in Europe surveyors – Secretary General of the European Association of Surveyors Kyryak Vasyle, chairman of the Association of Polish Surveyors Stanislav Tsehelskyi, professor of Latvian Agricultural Academy Velta Parsova, director of industry research institute in Prague Karel Rade, Professor of the Technical University in Noybranderburg (Germany) Heher William, Dean of Graduate school (University of applied Sciences) Wolfgang Kresse and other leading experts.
This time to Lviv at an international conference arrived surveyors from 12 countries. Traditionally geological forums take place at the Yavoriv training ground, but this time respectful gathering was held in Bryukhovychi at the health resort "Pearl of Lviv".
In addition to plenary sessions, work was concentrated on five thematic sections: "Geodesy, geodynamics, monitoring", "Photogrammetry, cartography, GIS," "Engineering surveying and geodetic monitoring in construction", "cadastre, regulation for the distribution of land/ land-utilization system, real property appraisal", "Military Surveying and GIS-technology. "
We asked Professor Ihor Trevoho to share his impressions of the XXI geological forum and to tell about actual problems of moderngeodesy.
- Conferees considered a wide range of issues. But let's start with the fact that you are a renowned expert in the field of geodetic metrology. The program mentioned your joint report with doctoral candidateTsyupak "Modern approach to metrological provision of linear measurements." How important Is it for practical geodesy?
- In recent years, requirements for precision of geodetic measurements are constantly increasing. Technique for these measurements should be certified. There are a lot of methods for making metrological facilities, but mostly they are based on traditional means. The factor of outside environment hinders the accuracy of measurement, as all these objects situated outdoors. We started to use satellite methods for the certification of metrological facilities. This method is more reliable than surface one.
An extremely urgent problem highlighted in the report of the branch Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. At the time/In due time, a new state coordinates system - UCS (the Ukrainian reference coordinate system) was created. However it is difficult to implement it in life, because the leadership of our industry is not willing to force all organizations to work only according to the new system, which is more accurate than the old one. The relative position of marks, for example in Kherson and Lviv can have a maximum error of 3-5 centimeters, while the old coordinate system in such case can give an error of up to one meter. The report stated specific suggestions for rapid implementation UCS.
- I remember the director of the Institute of Geodesy at Lviv Polytechnic University, Professor Cornelius Tretiak spoke about monitoring of the technical condition of a number of hydroelectric power stations. Was that matter covered in a geological forum?
- Certainly. This is the geodetic monitoring, observation of the dynamics of hydro and nuclear power atations and other facilities. Professor Tretiak with a group of young scientists and post-graduate students, who successfully defend the thesis regarding this matter, are working in this field. Such scientists as I. Sydorow, S. Periy, I. Sawchyn have presented at geological forum an interesting report "Monitoring the stability of hydraulic structures Dniester hydroelectric power station using GNSS and precision linear-angular observations."
Earlier everything was done manually, visually. Nowadays, by using automation, we set the program - everything is captured by the device and then data processing operation starts.
- The subject of land registration awakens intense interest in a lot of people, as it is the biggest value of our state…
- This is rather a new direction at the Institute of Geodesy. We have a department of Cadastre of Territory (CT) headed by Sc.D., Prof. Lev Perovych.
This subject has found an extended coverage at our conference. And there are plenty of issues in this field. State Land Agency has issued the electronic public cadastral card. However, due to the low-level qualification of some performers, areas with wrong coordinates are marked. Unfortunately, some of them have entered neighboring countries. Participants of the section " Cadastre, Land Management, Real Property Appraisal " were considering issues concerning dataware of land management and cadastre of Ukraine, standardization of quality requirements of geospatial models of territorial areas that are necessary for their registration in cadastral systems, new approaches to updating of cadastral information system, methodical and practical aspects of real property appraisal. Our Baltic and Czech colleagues that have performed with interesting reports have powerful groundworks in this sphere.
-The Institute of Geodesy can be proud of many innovations that have appeared recently, especially of unmanned aerial vehicles application, so-called UAVs.
- Efficiency of their use was discussed in the section " Photogrammetry, Cartography, GIS". The irrefutable leader in their creation and use is the professor of our institute Vladimir Glotov who, by the way, has created the UAV. Unmanned aerial vehicles have given an appreciable impetus to the development of photogrammetry.
- Probably, the aim of the section "Military geodesic and GIS- technologies" had a special direction and significance, considering the continued military operations in eastern Ukraine?
- It couldn't but affect. I note that the commander of National Army Academy lieutenant general Pavlo Tkachuk was a member of our organizing committee. Throughout twelve years the Institute of Geodesy of Lviv Polytechnic National University trained military surveyors. Now they are at war with the enemy in the ATO-zone and are the best experts in this case. During section’s work the experience of
cartographic support to military operations was meant, in particular
rocket troops and artillery, the development of Sound Ranging Complexes peculiarities in present-day conditions by using ATO’s experience, counter-battery, use of thermal vision systems, unmanned aerial vehicles for air reconnaissance application, etc.
- I hope, an enormous amount of new knowledge gained during the conference will become students’ acquirement soon?
- Absolutely. Teacher’s participation in such forums allows them to bring closer trainings of future surveyors to call of the time requirements and labor-market needs.
Separately, I would like to draw your attention to our participation in the international educational programs, especially together with our German colleagues from Neubrandenburg Technical university. An important stage of this collaboration is education of our Master students in Neubrandenburg under double degree program for autumn-winter term.
Our students were attending lectures in English, performing laboratory works and projects, participating in practical classes. Education was based on two master’s specialties: "Geodesy" and "Geoinformatics". In addition to this, Lviv students are studying Business German. They are writing master diploma papers now. In the middle of July diploma defense will take place, where teachers from German will also be present. It is very important that our colleges from Neubrandenburg helped us to organize two-week summer research-educational practice both in leading research institutes and in world-known German companies.
We are also seeking to create double degree system with Czechs and Poles. It allows prospective Ukrainian students to get additional benefits for postgraduate study, afterwards for doctoral studies, to hope for prestigious job not only in Ukrainian, but also in the international labor-market.