Happy New 2017 and Merry Christmas!
Dear Lviv polytechnics!
We are about to celebrate wonderful and our most favourite holidays – New Year and Christmas. Traditionally, these days, we remember the main events of the year that is coming to an end. What will it be remembered by? What good and useful things has it brought? What kind of year has it been for our Motherland and out alma mater?
Ukraine has taken a number of important steps to carry out radical reforms. First and foremost, we should mention decentralization and fundamental improvement of the local self-government, strengthening the principles of democracy, fighting corruption, entering European civilization scope. Our country has made progress in the economy, where there are positive tendencies in increasing output and reducing inflation.
Unfortunately, the eastern part of our country is still suffering from bloody war caused by pro-Russian separatists and foreign aggressors, which has taken lives of thousands of Ukrainians. Now true daughters and sons of our Motherland are defending its territorial integrity and independence. I know and I believe that we will win because justice is on our side!
The year that is coming to an end has become particularly remarkable in the life of our educational institution: we celebrated bicentenary of our alma mater. Lviv Polytechnic rightfully took its place among the oldest technical universities of Europe and the world.
During all these years, dozens of thousands highly qualified experts left the walls of Lviv Polytechnic. A significant number of them contributed a lot to the formation and development of Ukrainian independent state, its social and economic progress as well as spiritual development of the nation.
Nowadays we are successfully implementing 2020 University development program, we are carrying out a wide range of research and development as well as construction projects, which are mostly of innovative investment character.
We, obviously, need to pay far more attention to our talented and inquisitive young people, to the development of student self-government. It is about setting higher educational standards and social well-being of our graduates. Our main task is to teach students how to study and be active in public life, how to build a successful career, in general – to awaken and develop students’ social mobility, to form social lifts, which are necessary for the youth, in the society.
In my opinion, next year will be particularly significant for our country. All of us have one passionate dream and hope that military action in the East will cease and the country will return to peaceful life.
My sincere New Year and Christmas greetings to You and Your families!
Look ahead with Hope, look back with Gratitude, look up with Faith and look around with Love! That is my short New Year and Christmas message to all Lviv polytechnics.
Wishing You new accomplishments and achievements for the welfare of Ukraine!
Christ is born! Glory to Him!
Yuriy Bobalo