18th International Photography Contest of the «Day», which visited Lviv Polytechnic National University with its best works, proves once again that artistic photographs not only capture special moments of life. It is art that makes you think, understand life and feel its beauty.
150 best photographs are shown in the lobby of the University main building. It goes without saying that the majority of works depict soldiers defending our Motherland from the aggressor. The most touching shots are those which show the labourers of war holding their children. There many pictures of children and elderly people, which symbolizes the unity of generations. It looks like a big family album of Ukraine. One of the photographs has won a special award from the National Journalists Union of Ukraine. It is entitled «Iron Lady». It depicts an elderly lady in her late 70-ies, who is actively chopping wood.
Larysa Ivshyna, chief editor of the «Day», has been organizing these photography contests and exhibitions for many years. That is how she assesses this exhibition:
– My dear friends of the «Day»! The times are difficult and the photographs are difficult, too. They have to be sees, «read», understood and felt so that we could survive, have strength for victories! I am grateful to you for making Ukrainian world stronger together with the «Day»!
At the gala opening, instead of a podium, there was an emblem of the photography exhibition and two big photographs, which organizers especially liked. On the left, a boy and a girl are chatting about something, and, on the right, a silhouette of a watchman with a machine gun on the background of the star-studded sky.
Greeting those present at the exhibition, Yuriy Bobalo, University Rector, said:
– I am amazed by the versatility of Larysa Ivshyna. She is the chief editor of the «Day», editor of the numerous books of the «Day» library series, organizer of photography contests and supervisor of the Summer School of Journalism. Lviv Polytechnic is a huge educational structure with almost 5,000 staff and 36,000 students. We are, first and foremost, a technical higher educational institution. However, we have a Humanities component. We are really grateful to Larysa Oleksiyivna for bringing humanistic aspect into the walls of Lviv Polytechnic. I am sure that this photography exhibition will be visited by every student and every lecturer with a deep feeling of excitement. Iit enables us to understand the life of the people in our country better.
Andriy Sadovyy, Lviv mayor, is not only a reader of the «Day». He traditionally visits all its exhibitions.
– Thank you, Larysa Oleksiyivna, – he said, – for your steady love for Lviv. Each such exhibition is a breath of fresh air. It gives new impressions and new feelings. I would like this exhibition to be seen by as many Lviv citizens and guests as possible. I hope they will see these beautiful works.
Oksana Stokolos-Voronchuk, deputy head of Lviv regional state administration, said that Lviv region is always looking forward to reading the «Day» because it believes, adores, is able to debate, but never remains indifferent. Mrs Stokolos-Voronchuk also said that the «Day» libraries will be sent to all key schools in Lviv region.
The «Day» and International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic have been united by years of strong friendship and fruitful co-operation. Iryna Klyuchkovska, Director of the Institute, remembered the moment in 2014 when the bells on St Mykhaylo Cathedral in Kyiv were ringing. These were the bells of alarm, warning people and calling them to rise in the Revolution of Dignity. Nowadays we have a wonderful bell tower that has been ringing for 20 years. It rings day by day. It is the «Day», which warns and urges us. Today, there many of those who, manipulate the consciousness of people. However, the «Day» is strong enough to fight this. It urges each and every one of us to have our own public opinion.»
At the gala opening, Roman Yatsiv, Vice-Rector of Lviv National Academy of Arts, and Tetyana Verheles, ZIK chief editor, assessed the photography exhibition and the newspaper itself, from a professional point of view.
The host of the gala opening, giving the floor to Larysa Ivshyna, called her intellectual authority of modern Ukraine. She replied:
– Lviv Polytechnic is really our home. High music, fresh flowers and animated faces, wonderful atmosphere inspire us, nourish us with creative energy and prove that our work during these 20 years yields fruit.
Profound, animated conversation about the sense field of Ukraine marked the «round-table» discussion entitled «National Dialogue», in which Larysa Ivshyna was an active participant.