New Lviv Polytechnic National University Alumni Association Board has been working very efficiently. An important decision on celebrating Lviv Polytechnic Alumni Day was made at the recent meeting chaired by Ivan Ryvak, Association Head. It will be celebrated on the first Saturday in June, which this year will be on June 3.
Why was this day chosen for gathering the alumni of all times? In this period, students still continue their studies, and the season of summer vacations has not started yet. Apart from this, alumni of many academic institutes of the University have their reunions at this time of the year. Association Board members said that participants of the Alumni Day should find out as much as possible about the current issues of their alma mater, about academic and scientific achievements of the University. A big concert should be held on this day as well.
Oleksandr Berezko, Chief of Lviv Polytechnic web-services support division, Head of the University Council of Young Scientists, and Oleksandr Ivashchuk, Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, looked through dozens of university websites (Oxford and Cambridge in particular) and suggested their variants of the Alumni Association emblem. They think that it should be in the form of a shield. The colours should be green and the colour of a ripe apple, which symbolizes youth and maturity. However, these suggestions will be discussed with the experts from the Institute of Architecture. Board members liked the slogan of the emblem – «Side by side». They were also in favour of the suggestion to give each Lviv Polytechnic alumnus a special card, which will enable them to have certain discounts on various goods and services, first of all in those companies, which are headed by the University alumni.
Yuriy Bobalo, Lviv Polytechnic Rector, who took an active part in the Alumni Association meeting, supported the Board members’ idea to create similar alumni unions in every academic institute. He invited Ivan Ryvak, Head of the Association Board, and Mykhailo Velhosh, executive secretary, to participate in the full-scale meeting of the University administration. They suggested appointing people responsible for every institute, who could use the archive to find activists, group monitors, who would be able to help form and extensive alumni database. Directors of the institutes were in favour of this suggestion and promised to realize it as soon as possible.
Contact telephone numbers of Lviv Polytechnic Alumni Association are 050-315-01-57 and 097-014-55-79.