Versatility, variety, ability to change quickly and to develop continuously are crucial factors nowadays, if you strive for success. Lviv Polytechnic National University is special because of its variety of majors and numerous opportunities to develop outside the classroom.
Majors to every taste
Here in Polytechnic, those interested in Technology and those keen on the Humanities will find a profession to their liking easily. Sixteen academic institutes offer interesting majors to those who dream to enter the most popular and the most successful «cast» nowadays, the «cast» of IT experts (Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Institute of Telecomunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences), to those who feel they have a talent for creating beauty around us and dictate fashion in design or architecture (Institute of Architecture), and to those who dream of building cities and form the environment (Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering). There are majors for those who know: justice is above everything, is able to support or help find oneself – law and psychology (Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology). Of course, there are lots of opportunities in Polytechnic for engineers, power engineers (Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems), geodesists (Institute of Geodesy), engineering mechanics (Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport), etc. Here you can train to be a pharmacist, food expert, perfumer (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies), you can become a good economist and team manger (Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies), you can get the profession of ecologist (Institute of Ecology, Nature Protection and Tourism), or become a diplomat (Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences), etc.
Students Union – a place where leaders «grow»
Lviv Polytechnic Students Union is another step for young people’s self-development. Here they have an opportunity to create their own world, with their own rules and regulations. This work is special also because students can experiment with the models which are used in various government offices in their own environment. There is strict hierarchy here. There are different departments and directions: education and research, international, social security, culture, which is responsible for the creative development of students, organizing various events, among which there are many traditional ones – festivals «Polytechnic Spring», «Polytechnic Autumn», acoustic concerts in the institutes, First-Year Student’s Day, «Miss Polytechnic», photography competition «Spalakh», etc.
Join BEST: to study, to travel and to develop
Youth organizations and communities are another aspect of young people’s development in Lviv Polytechnic.
International Student Organization BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) plays an important part in the life of Lviv Polytechnic. Thanks to its work, students communicate directly with employers from the leading world companies, which are interested in Lviv Polytechnic graduates.
Another advantage is the opportunity to study in any European country, where there is BEST branch, participate in various exchange programs, join some interesting common projects – «Engineering Competition», «Engineering Career Fair» and many others, and just have fun.
Not just a book collection place, but a public space
Even students library in Polytechnic is not just a book collection place with a huge selection of modern technical literature and fiction. It is also an interesting public space, where lots of interesting events focusing on different tastes are held throughout the year. Here you can communicate with well-known businessmen and writers, see a designer show, art workshops, discuss any interesting topic.