On March 28, at the meeting of Lviv Polytechnic National University Academic Board, Yuriy Bobalo, University Rector, informed about personnel rotation. Professor Yuriy Rashkevych resigned from the post of Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations. He explained his resignation by family circumstances.
Rector thanked him for his fruitful work at this post for nearly 26 years. Yuriy Rashkevych in his turn thanked University administration, directors of all institutes, heads of the departments for their joint work on developing international relations of the University.
Academic Board members voted unanimously for Rector’s proposal of appointing Oleh Mykhailovych Matviykiv, Sc.D., Professor of the Department of Computer Aided Design, as Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations. Oleh Mykhailovych is 52 years old. In 1989, he graduated the Radiotechnical Faculty of Lviv Polytechnic and was a PhD student at the postgraduate school of St. Petersburg University of Electrical Technology at the Department of Microelectronics for some time.
On the next day, Professor Volodymyr Pavlysh, First Vice-Rector of the University, introduced new Vice-Rector Oleh Matviykiv to the staff of the units he will be in charge of. Professor Yuriy Rashkevych told his successor about his subordinates’ responsibilities, about the achievements in the field of international relations and about the problems, which, in his opinion, new Vice-Rector will have to solve.