At the end of October, Anastasiia Doroshenko, Associate Professor at the ACS Department, Olena Lanets, Assistant at the TMDM Department and Iryna Moroz, Associate Professor at the GP Department paid a visit to Kingston University in the southwestern part of London. This visit was made within the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility programme. Also it was decided to start a flash mob Lviv Polytechnic Around the World to promote Lviv Polytechnic brand. They started it with the series of photographs of the Polytechnic flag in front of well-known buildings and urged their colleagues who go abroad also take the flag of Polytechnic and do the same.
– So, how did you work at a foreign university?
A.D.: I had the opportunity to attend classes of lecturers in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, to lecture for bachelor and master students and to conduct joint workshops. I want to note that study programs of this School and our ICSIT, where I work, are very similar, therefore it was very interesting to compare my own methods of teaching with foreign ones.
I.M.: This was my first trip to the UK, intense, but very interesting at the same time. I had an opportunity to share and broaden my teaching experience at the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing. The peculiarity of Teaching Staff Mobility is that it is necessary to adapt to the study program of the chosen university. So, I delivered lectures that I do not read at our Department of General Physics. I designed and programmed electrical circuits in Arduino Circuit Design Program and did Fluid Mechanics and Probability Theory tasks. A lot of material for lectures I had to prepare directly there. The most interesting task I got from Dr Samireh Vahid, who asked me to prepare a presentation for engineering students, in which, on my own example, I hat to tell about my student life in Soviet Ukraine and the further path to success in an independent Ukraine. The story succeeded, as in the evening after the presentation, the coordinator of the ERASMUS + program Dr Alan Flowers began receiving e-mails from students requesting to visit Lviv Polytechnic within the ERASMUS + student exchange programme.
– Can you describe British students?
I.M.: It is interesting that I was asked a similar question about Ukrainian students by British colleagues, and my response made them very happy. So, students are everywhere the same: serious, funny, persistent, passionate, perform antics and sometimes tricks, but in general – wonderful young people, communication with which encourages us to always be young.
O.L.: By the way, now the students of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport are studying at Kingston University under the Erasmus + Student Exchange Program, and we had the opportunity to meet and talk to them. They easily adapted, do well and are very happy to have the opportunity to get new experience, knowledge, and improve their English. As their supervisor, I was very pleased to receive positive feedback from their lecturers who noted their good training, thoroughness and diligence.