A delegation of the Beijing manufacturing company, specializing in metallurgy production, paid a visit to Lviv Polytechnic. Among them there were representatives of the Department of Talent Development in China. The Chinese met with Oleh Matviikiv, the Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, and the staff of the Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering of IEMT.
The Chinese got acquainted with the history and the present of Lviv Polytechnic, met the leadership of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport, got acquainted with the scientific achievements of the Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering, as their company specializes in the technologies of making products from different types of alloys.
As it turned out, the Beijing manufacturing company has the support of the Chinese government to develop their achievements. Therefore, they are looking for a point of contact for industry, science, education and making contacts. At the moment, it was not about concrete cooperation, but about intentions. As it turned out, the Chinese are fairly cautious about such issues and the cooperation is only established when they have carefully examined the opportunities with a potential partner and made sure there is a prospect.
According to Zoia Duriahina, the head of the Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic can become a partner for the Chinese to train their students who can attend Ukrainian language and English language courses, and for the lecturers and students of our university – it is the opportunity to have an internship at their enterprise.