From 5 to 19 August, 2018, the first German summer camp for students of the German-Ukrainian Education Center of Lviv Polytechnic National University was held in Lviv. The camp was attended by 20 students who had the opportunity to spend two weeks with German lecturers and feel as if they were in Germany. The main task of the camp was to communicate with native speakers, understand German mentality and values, and increase motivation to study.
Theo Bergert, Ina Gute and Sindy Plutat prepared an interesting and rich program of study for camp participants. Students got acquainted with the geography, traditions and peculiarities of Germany, as well as learned how to properly write resume, letters and other texts. It is important that the entire program was conducted only in German, so students had to overcome language barriers and actively work with German lecturers.
The staff of the GUEC at Lviv Polytechnic University organized a program for German guests and students that included trips, excursions and walks through the city. The camp participants walked through Lviv city center and Stryiskyi park, were in the High Castle, Kaiserwald, and also visited Olesko Castle. In spite of the rich program, the participants of the camp got another interesting task, namely the preparation of theatrical scene in the German language. Students worked hard, conscientiously learned the script, practiced in acting and rehearsed many times.
On Saturday, August 11, there was an Open Doors Day for students’ parents who had the opportunity to evaluate the camp and talk with one of the directors of the camp, Mr. Thomas Fahlbusch, the Head of the Department of Education and Training at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Erfurt. On the same day, the camp participants played scenes for parents, GUEC staff and Thomas Fahlbusch, and received prizes for their efforts.
Before the end of the camp, students were already much more fluent in German, and clearly understood the importance of language learning for further study in Germany. The camp successfully ended with a small farewell party organized for lecturers by students, during which all camp participants exchanged impressions, emotions and wishes for the next event.