Dear students and lecturers of our glorious Lviv Polytechnic!
Let me sincerely and warmly congratulate you with a great day – the Day of Knowledge!
Obviously, nobody should argue that September 1 is a day of humanity and kindness, wisdom and hope. This is an unbridled impulse of young people to new discoveries, the beginning of a bright and difficult path to knowledge, scientific understanding and vision of the world around us...
We all are strongly impressed by a large-scale military parade in honor of the 27th anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine. Each of us is proud of our revived and invincible Ukrainian army. Therefore, first of all, I would like to congratulate with this knowledge day those hundreds of Lviv polytechnicians who bravely protect our Motherland in the East, who selflessly volunteer, helping Ukrainian warriors in a military front – those true knights and guardians of our country.
We start a new exciting journey for knowledge and skills. The oldest and largest higher technical university in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic, is experiencing a second youth. Relying on historical educational tradition, we are constantly and rapidly growing and innovating. According to many education rankings, University is among the top five Ukrainian higher education institutions.
This year Lviv Polytechnic has got a perspective and professionally motivated enrollment. There are 3 thousand 540 freshmen who has chosen 158 specialities. It is also gratifying that among them there are a lot of gold and silver medalists and winners of All-Ukrainian pupils’ Olympiads.
Therefore, I want to wish the freshmen to become worthy members of a large and friendly polytechnic family and by good deeds glorify our native University and our homeland!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!
Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Yurii Bobalo