Conference Venue: Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy. Address: 34, L.Ukrayinky blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine.
Date: October 25–26, 2018.
The problem of mental health сare (MHC) in the contemporary world becomes global with many negative consequences. Thus, according to the World Health Organization, mental and behavioral disorders are extremely common and affect up to 25% of all people in different periods of their lives. The WHO notes that in the future, given the aging population and worsening social problems, the number of cases will increase considerably.
Simultaneously, each country in the world faces significant hindrances in both socio-psychological and economic aspects of the MHC system. No country has yet completely solved this problem. This creates an urgent need in joint efforts towards searching for solutions of common problems.
Main objectives:
- to attract attention of researchers and policy-makers to urgent problems of MHC
- to provide a platform for exchange of ideas and development of academic and non-academic network of MHC researchers, practitioners and policy-makers
- to promote high quality research on MH in developing countries and countries in transition
- to investigate solutions of specific issues of MHC in transdisciplinary and multicultural aspects
We seek to answer various questions including (but not limited to) the following:
- MHC systems in the context of global social challenges: How global social challenges affect and press everyone? What is the contemporary specificity of pressing social problems on mental health of persons through reference to their social and cultural dimensions? Which are potential solutions to contemporary social challenges in relation to the MHC development?
- Mental health and migration: What challenges migration creates for mental health specialist? What migration policy makers must know about mental health? Why mental health matters in problems of migration?
- Mental health in times of military conflicts: Why should we care about mental health of those who have experienced a military conflict? What is the practice of treating post-war psychological traumatism?
- Mental health at work place: Why is the corporate culture important for psychological health of employees? Burn-out problem: a new trend or an old but well-masked problem? What are challenges and opportunities of a multicultural environment?
- Specific issues of MHC: child neuropsychiatry; ssupport for people with disabilities and the elderly; MHC in rural areas; addictive behavior
- Higher Education and MHC: Research and Innovations: What are the potential implications and limitations of the notion of «mental health care» in relation to Higher Education practices?
- Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches in MHC: What are the benefits and drawbacks of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in mental health research and services?
- Partnership Building for European Projects in the field of Mental Health
- Other: we are open to consider your suggestions of topics and questions for discussions during this conference
Fields covered: Medicine, Social Science, Education, Economic, Law, Inter- and Multi-disciplinary studies
Content (program):
- Sharing of good practices in the field of Mental Health Care
- Seminar, workshops
- oral and e-poster presentations of research studies
- webinars
We accept:
- case-studies
- applied-research papers
- theoretical research papers
Registration and Submission details:
- Abstract submission: July 15th 2018
- Full paper submission: October 2nd 2018
Please send your abstract and paper to: intconfmhgc21c@gmail.com