Recently, in the lobby of the Student Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University, there was the All-Ukrainian Autonomous Robot Racing Competition for the Lviv Polytechnic Cup. The purpose of this traditional spectacular event is to stimulate creative, intellectual and spiritual development of students and to promote robotics, information technology and applied programming.
The competition can be considered international as the representatives of Belarus as well as more than ten higher education institutions took part in the racing. Among others there were Odesa National Polytechnic University, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, National Economic University, Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi College, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute and Cherkasy State Technological University. The host of the competition, Lviv Polytechnic, was represented by three teams.
The favorite of the competition, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, brought the biggest amount of participants. It was represented by 5 teams, one of which, namely TopNode, won the competition. The second place was taken by the URSA team from Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, and the third – T31 from Lviv Polytechnic. Representatives of Ternopil and Cherkasy won other places in the competition.
The Vice Rectors of Lviv Polytechnic Nataliia Chukhrai and Dmytro Fedasiuk, while opening the competition, emphasized that such races allow young creators of the most successful developments to take part in the future international championships. Similar competitions, organized by the Department of Photonics of University, which is a part of the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, in particular due to the Assistant Professor of this Department Vasyl Tataryn, are not held for the first time. They gained much popularity not only among students and postgraduates of Ukrainian technical universities, but also among their foreign peers.