In July 2018, Liliia Hrynevych, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine announced that, according to the results of the Horizon 2020 competitions from 2014 to the moment of the first meeting of the Coordination Center on the implementation of the EU Horizon 2020 Program, 97 Ukrainian participant organizations received 17.88 million euros for 98 projects.
Project statistics in the EU database is updated twice a year, in spring and autumn. The Agency of European Innovations has received new data from its European partners, namely: as of October 2018, 108 Ukrainian participant organizations received 19,836 million euros for 129 projects.
Among the most successful organizations there are:
- National Aerospace University – «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (4 projects worth 847,63 thousand euros);
- Lviv Polytechnic National University (3 projects worth 638 thousand euros, for one of which University is the coordinator);
- NASU Institute of Physics (4 projects worth 367.95 thousand euros, for two of which Institute is the coordinator).