Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic National University have traditionally participated in the International Specialized Exhibition «Weapons and Security», which took place on October 9–12, 2018 in Kyiv. Among the developments of scientists and inventors of Lviv Polytechnic there were the mobile robotic platforms «Borsuk», «Plastun» and «Zhuk» (R. Zinko), portable device for measuring the ship’s magnetic field «Vector-3» (V. Tkachenko, L. Rakhlin) and a layout of the secret noise immunity of the command line to control the UAV (V.-M. Myskiv).
This year’s exhibition gathered the participants from the USA, Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Turkey, China, Luxembourg, OAU and, of course, Ukraine, who presented their achievements in the defense industry.
Very pleasing is the fact that Lviv Polytechnicians’ developments attracted the attention of visitors and potential partners.