18 Oct 2018, 16:14
Announced the selection of participants for the internship on the international project «SmaLog» Erasmus+ / КА2.
The international project «SmaLog» Erasmus + / KA2 in Lviv Polytechnic National University implements the Department of Transport Technologies.
For participating to the selection the following requirement are asked:
- To be academic staff from the Georgian and Ukrainian universities/academy partners of SmaLog
- To have a work agreement with the institution to which the application is submitted; the work agreement must end not later than two years after the end of SmaLog or a declaration from the institution that it is available to continue collaboration for not later than two years after the end of SmaLog
- To be involved in SmaLog programme as professor or lecture
- To have experience in the topic of modules of SmaLog
- To held a Master degree or equivalent academic title
- To have adequate knowledge of English
The conditions for selecting participants are set out in the enclosed «Call for the INTERNSHIP» Applications are accepted until 23.10.18 Department «Transport Technologies», VI Educational building, room 203.