At the Department of Accounting and Analysis of Lviv Polytechnic National University the lecturers and students met with representatives of successful business and certified accountants from the United States invited by the initiative of Associate Professor of the Department Volodymyr Chubai. The guests of the Polytechnic were: Richard Reed – the founder and president of the REED International Aerospace Group, the USA, which specializes in aerospace consulting services; Michael Dickson (Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – the owner and manager of Dixon & Company Wealth Management, an investment and consulting company, the USA; Joe Lineberry (Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – until recently, Senior Vice President of Aon Corporation, a global risk management company, former Certified Accountant of the leading international accounting firm Ernst & Young, the USA.
American specialists, in accordance with the department program, delivered thematic lectures for students of the speciality Accounting and Taxation. In the form of a dialogue with students, the current state and content of many aspects of the relevant sphere and their practical application were discussed. It was interesting for students to learn about professional perspectives, especially when lecturers shared their own paths to professional career development, focusing on the need for constant self-improvement of their own knowledge and practical skills.
Foreign specialists discussed with the teaching staff of the Department peculiarities of such professions as accountant, auditor and financial analyst in the USA, comparing them with similar professions in Ukraine, as well as shared the experience of US education institutions in training specialists of these professions, organization of advanced training, status of these professions in society and job salaries.