From October 10 to 12, Lviv Polytechnic became the venue for a large International Conference on Chemistry and Related Sciences – EastWest Chemistry Conference 2018 (EWCC’2018).
According to the organizers, the name of the conference symbolizes the combination of scientific and economic interests of the countries of the West and the East, through the mediation of Ukraine, in particular its Chemical Science. More than 170 scientists from 17 countries of the world came to Lviv to attend the conference.
The event was organized by the Turkish Chemical Association and Lviv Polytechnic. Last year, the first such conference was held in Macedonia. This year, Ukraine was chosen as a partner due to the high level of Chemical Science development in Polytechnic. On behalf of University, the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies organized the event.
An important characteristic of the conference is the high scientific level of its speakers. Participants are well-known scholars, including Professors Manfred Stamm from Germany (on the photo), Andrzej Budkowski from Poland, Sergiy Minko from the USA, who, by the way, is a graduate of Polytechnic, and others. Among the speakers there are a lot of people of Ukrainian origin who made a brilliant career in the West.
Materials of the conference will be published in the electronic collection, access to which will be provided on the official website. Also there will be the release of a printed version.
Interesting is the fact that the Conference of Young Scientists was organized within the EastWest Chemistry Conference 2018, which aims to unite young scientists in the field of Chemistry and Related Sciences from the East and the West, to establish new scientific relations between them and to develop cooperation in the future. In addition, participants were able to listen to the reports of their senior colleagues – world-class scientists and learn from their experience.
The Organizing Committee of the conference identified three best reports, whose authors were given the opportunity to participate in the EastWest Chemistry Conference 2019, which will be held next year in Palermo.