The ІІІ International Conference of Young Scientists was held in Lviv Polytechnic. Its participants shared their achievements and introduced new developments.
Three years ago, the reason for organizing such a conference was the 200th anniversary of Lviv Polytechnic. The event succeeded, it attracted young geodesists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, the USA and Iran. Thus, it was decided to gather each year. The Chairman of the Young Scientists Council of the IGD, Head of the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers, Secretary of the Conference Organizing Committee Ihor Savchyn says:
– Young researchers of Geodesy are interested in GeoTerrace. This time around 170 people registered for the conference. As in previous years, among speakers there are not only Ukrainians, but Latvians, Poles and Iranians. The peculiarity of our event is that we do not limit ourselves to reports, that is, stories about our own achievements (which would not be enough), but we present this event as a platform for finding partners, grants and various scientific developments.
For three days, young geodesists listened to scientific and popular science reports. These were the overview of the results of geo-radar investigations of the island glaciers of the Argentine islands; the estimation of agricultural lands; innovative GNSS-based decisions on functioning and development of postmining geosystems of the western region of Ukraine, etc. There were three sections: Geodesy, Geodynamics, Geology and Monitoring; Photogrammetry, Cartography and GIS; Land Management, Cadastre of Territories and Precision Agriculture. These are precisely the basic directions where geodesists are currently working.
Enterprises that produce geodetic equipment brought their models for display: planes, GPS receivers, etc. Among the participants there was a Lviv Polytechnic graduate Yurii Prepodobnyi, who heads the company developing 3D devices.
The Conference of Young Geodesists is about live communication, sharing the experiences and establishing cooperation.