City Makers’ Course Lviv is a joint educational program in the field of urban development of Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg (Germany), Stadtagenten (Germany), Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) and the City Institute (Ukraine). The program is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The training course aims to create an interdisciplinary communication network and to establish professional communication between all urban planning companies in Lviv. The course program was developed by a team of Ukrainian and international experts, including Anton Kolomieitsev, architect, city planning expert, academic at Lviv Polytechnic National University and author of the Integrated Development Concept of Lviv. As part of the training course, there will be a trip to German and French cities.
To register for the City Makers’ Course Lviv, you must send your resume and portfolio to citymakers2@gmail.com till June 3, 2019. The training starts in June 2019.