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Institute of Geodesy at Lviv Polytechnic received Move software from Petroleum Experts Limited

14 May 2019, 08:45
IGD, Lviv Polytechnic

Institute of Geodesy at Lviv Polytechnic National University received a license for the software of Petroleum Experts Limited (Edinburgh, Scotland and Great Britain). The license fee is £ 13,341,60.

The software is intended for geological mapping and research of structural geology. The program includes the following modules:

  • 2D Kinematic Modelling,
  • 3D Kinematic Modelling,
  • Geomechanical Modelling,
  • Fracture Modelling,
  • Fault Response Modelling,
  • Fault Analysis,
  • Stress Analysis,
  • Move Link Petrel,
  • Move Link OpenWorks,
  • Move Link GST.

Move software will be used in the learning process and research of various problems in structural geology.